
Thursday, May 28, 2009

My creative space...

Today it's all happening on my lap. Or not happening. Mostly, I'm trying to knit a wee scarf for Betrand the Robot Bear, one of the creations that arose out of last week's creative space.
Currently I'm taking a break because, as you can see, the knitting needles were extracted from the stitches by my lovely creative helper the Fifth Wiggle, who requisitioned them in order to do a bit of Wiggly concert reenacting.
Visit the other (hopefully less thwarted) creative spaces via Kirsty!
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  1. Ooooh Bertrand looks cool, i'd love to see a full pic of him when he's finished.

    Does the fifth Wiggle play drums with your knitting needles or some other creative instrument no adult would have ever thought of?

    Love your Blog name BTW. ClutterPunk is so COOL.

  2. ooooops!!!!!!!!!

  3. Oh dear! I suppose it was a wiggly emergency... I wish you could pop over for a cuppa and some brunch! The needle felting was much easier and faster than I thought. x

  4. The Wiggles have infiltrated my brain and I can't stop singing rock a bye a bear no matter how hard I try!! Bertrand is really cute (and what a great name!!)

  5. Cute robot, love the fabric combo!

  6. he's very cute...we're doing the Wiggly dance tomorrow, sigh.

  7. Love the look of your softie, perhaps it is the cold weather of late but there seems to be lots of softie making going on....something to snuggle on those cool evenings.

  8. The tiny scarf is looking great.

  9. It just look likes the best kind of surgery.

  10. It's a great space and your knitting is looking fantastic

  11. Your robot bear looks fantastic. I love that mustard yellow floral. And is that corduroy... if so swoon. Great fabric choices! BTW we have quite a bit of wiggling going on here at the moment too.

  12. i love the fabric of your robot bear! i can't believe i didn't notice its fabulousness in your photo from last week.

  13. Poor Bertrand is going to be getting chilly in the next few days if he doesn't get his scarf!

    PS. Sooo...You survived the Wiggly concert...?!

  14. I thought I had the 5th wiggle living here - Tom, who will be the brown one!! I love the way knitting is untangled - not. Sophie (2 1/2) used to be very good at this, but I try to be vigilant now at keeping it out of her reach, this doesn't always work and I just have to hope she doesn't notice it...

  15. Oh dear, yes looking very Wiggly.....i will be posting a link to you on Saturday..enjoy the rest of the week

  16. cute robot - & i love the wee scarf!!

    p.s. I am hosting a giveaway for a beautiful handmade ceramic item donated by 'love grows by giving' - you can enter here.

    x nadine
    little lovelies

  17. Hope you got your needles back and finished the scarf.

  18. I love your upcycling. Thanks for entering my giveaway and leaving your comments. Good luck in the draw!

  19. Now as I can't remember seeing the Wiggles knitting live in concert, I assume that sings into the needles or does a bit of baton twirling with them?! Good luck with finishing the scarf. The robot bear should be very cosy in his winter woolies.


“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
~Albert Einstein