
Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Awkward Half-Year Silence


How are you doing? 

Just a peek at my hideously overstuffed blog reader tells me you're doing well. I can see you've been productive, creative, thoughtful, engaging, funny and communicative these last 6 months.

As for me, you ask? 

I'm fine is all.
No disasters, no strange turns-of-events, no fabulous tales of adventure and daring, no freak accidents that have rendered me incapable of human interaction.

Just a big ol' tummy full of baby - which, apparently, has been enough to drain all the crafty, thinky, bloggy energy out of me completely.

I feel like the end is in sight.
What has felt like the world's longest gestation has just hit its 39th week.

The craft room has finally been unpacked.
The computer has finally been set up.
The camera has (almost) been relocated. (It's gotta be in here somewhere...)
The brain has been ticking over.
The urge to sew is rising.

Of course this is laughable, given that some time in the next 3 weeks I will be reentering the world of The Newborn. Where, in between the feeding, the changing and the other-child-wrangling am I planning to reconnect with the world of clutterpunk?

Nonetheless, I'm determined to. It's time.

To all those dear, dear blogging friends who have left comments and emails of the 'have you dropped off the face of the earth' variety - thank you. Especially the ones I have yet to reply to. I've really missed our interactions. 

And even if I make nothing for show and tell in the next six months, 
even if I have no revelations about life, sustainability and everything, 
even if I don't find my camera... 
I'm back in the conversation! 

And I'll try to make my pauses just a little less long and awkward from now on :)


  1. Well, that's one impressive baby bump! I can totally understand the whole drain on brain resources... I'm in the midst of it myself LOL.

    I hope the baby comes soon and the arrival is as uneventful as possible :-)

  2. I missed you Gina! I am bumpy too, but not quite as advanced yet. It's good to have you back. I often thought of you and wondered what you were up to - and from being a non-craft growing bump numpty myself I assumed you were just in a non-crafty preggo state! Glad all is well! xx

  3. Its not so much an awkward silence as a pregnant pause.

    Its lovely to see you back! Best wishes for the last week or two of your pregnancy - hope you can get lots of rest.


  4. Oh boom boom Liesl! A pregnant pause...! ;)

    Glad you're back Gina - I've missed you! I keep popping over just to make sure my reader isn't broken, but you've been off growing a baby so all is forgiven.

    You'll get your groove back eventually (says she who makes bugger all, five months later...), & we'll be here to "oooh" & "aaah", especially when you share pictures of your most amazing creation of all... ;)

  5. missed you Ms Gina! Beccasaurus & I were wondering how you were just the other night.
    you'll be creating all sorts of wonderful in the next few weeks don't worry about that.
    goodluck with it all & keep us posted if you want.
    hugs ♥

  6. THANK BLOODY GOODNESS FOR THAT. It just ain't the same without you, Mrs. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

  7. Heya! Was so excited to see you posted something I rushed over to read. Your tum looks glorious. I was thinking the other day your baby must be soon to make an appearance. Welcome back xo

  8. Oh yay Gina, so good to hear from you and especially that all is well. We were just saying at NCB on Wednesday night that we missed you and wondered how things were going - you are not forgotten! Best of luck for the next few weeks.

  9. Lovely to see you and your belly!!

  10. woo hoo! i was just wondering about you the other day. no pressure or anything ;)

  11. Love the pregnant pause comment too.
    SO ace to see you in all your round glory back here again.
    Hugely excited to see what type a baby you've been crafting.
    Enjoy the last few weeks before. X

  12. Great to hear from you Gina, i was thinking of you the other day - your ears must've been burning. Glad to hear all is well, have a great next few weeks and hope you find your camera! x

  13. Yay! We all need a bit of clutterplunk in our lives. All the best for the next little bit and look forward to seeing/hearing more from you soon.


  15. Welcome back Gina - gosh I've missed you!

  16. Glad to hear all is well & to see you back.

    You & Liesl (of the pregnant pause) were both at the top of my blogroll after loitering out of sight for a while....very happy to see you back, whenever, however often. Good luck on those final days/weeks of baby-brewing.

  17. Wow what a gorgeous baby bump what an exciting magical time is ahead of you enjoy every single moment it goes so quickly. Lovely to see you back. Good luck with your little journey, dee x

  18. You're probable getting that nesting instinct prior to the iminent arrival. Hope all goes smoothly for you and Bub. Cherrie

  19. It's lovely to har from you. I've missed you.

    That is one gorgeous tummy :-)

  20. what a gorgeous belly you've grown. I think making a miniture human being is very crafty. So glad you haven't fallen off the face of the earth :)

  21. it's so good to see you again! Wishing you all the best for the weeks ahead...

  22. I can't tell you what a lovely surprise it was to see you post come up in my list of great reads. My part of blogland isn't quite right without you in it. Best wishes for the coming weeks and the return of the newborn era, and look forward to seeing more of you (figuratively!). Nic x

  23. Yay she made an appearance!! All my recycle friends are first on the blog roll so when I saw the pic of a belly I knew it was you!! Have missed your funny posts and humor. Now I can read your new post over and over again. Fingers crossed for a speedy delivery much love and warmth.... I am also well thank you for asking... we are in our own family crisis right now but back in Sydney and managed to do a blog post after not blogging for a month. Woot woot.

    Xo Steph

  24. Oh, but you've been missed, Madame Gina! That bump can be all consuming, though, so you're quite forgiven. Looking forward to having you "back."

  25. I've missed you! Was hoping you were OK, and it seems you were. Impressive bump! Hope all goes well for the entry of number 3!

  26. Yay!! You're back!!! What a beautiful belly you have!

  27. Woot Woot Woot!!! Even if you pop one post up in the next 6 months then let it be a pic of a sensational new born!!! Love that your back!! Missed you LOADS. xx

  28. What's six months in the scheme of things? Not to say you haven't been missed, because of course you have! Love your bump, and can't wait to see/hear about/read about the result! Good luck, lady, and all our love and best wishes.

  29. Nothing awkward about it. We all know you have been busy baby building and that's an important job :-) Your belly looks great!

    Thinking of you. x

  30. Wonderful to see your gorgeous belly shot Gina. Welcome back to blogland! You have been truly missed! One of the beauties of blogland is that you can pop in and out whenever you please - no pressure... apart from that we put on ourselves. Looking forward to seeing the pics of the new bub. All the best in the next week or so!!!

  31. Nice surprise to see your post. All the best for the next few weeks. Looking forward to first photo of baby.

  32. Lovely to sere you in these-here parts again!!
    Lovely bump an' all!

  33. Well thank goodness everything is okay... Oh and by the way, welcome back!!!!

  34. Phew - I was almost too scared to find out where you'd been! So glad that it was just baby-baking that has kept you busy - having a small person growing in yourbelly does tend to sap the energy.
    Wishing you all good things for the final week(weeks!?) of your pregnancy Gina.

  35. Lovely to see you in this space again!

    (BTW, nice top ;-))

  36. FINALLY!!

    Now, don't you have some cupboards to be sorting or floors to be scrubbing?

    Enjoy that new baby, and we'll see you in another 6 months ;-)

    (weird, i just read that einstein quote a second ago. . . over at zenhabits i think)

    rachel xo

  37. Wahey! You're back :-)
    Good luck on the impending arrival!

  38. by the look of thiat'll have a lot to show and tell very soon... I am so glad you're doing fine. cheers. peta

  39. show and tell be darned - some times the cool kids just romp it in but we all know that at the end of the day - we have more fun.
    go well on this stage of the journey.

  40. oh, awkward schmawkward. I love friends who I don't hear from for ages and then we can just pick up from where we left off. Lovely to hear from you Gina and look forward to hearing your next news :). Take care xx

  41. Oh ... loving your big tummy so much! Hope all is going well and a new and healthy baby has joined your family by now.
    All my love to you and yours.

  42. Hoping that bump has moved out by now!! hehe

    Thinking of you!!

    xo Steph


“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
~Albert Einstein