
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Time to move.

With a new babe on the way, it's time for chez clutterpunk  to relocate. In less than two months, we will be packing up our lovely little two-bedroom flat and re-entering the Big Bad World of the Rental Property.

In truth, we've actually got it very easy. Friends have offered us a house two blocks away; an old, unrenovated house with a lots of quirks but lots of space. We know their intentions for the property and therefore know that it will be a secure space for us for 5-10 years if we want, in the local community we're already entrenched in. We're essentially 'staying put', except for our actual living space.

And unlike most rental options, we will have lots of freedom. Freedom to bang pictures into the walls, to make 'improvements', to negotiate directly with the owners, to plant vegies - freedom to put down roots. 

I'm feeling a great sense of possibility, mostly to do with space. There will be:

space to sleep - perhaps with more bedroom options we will iron out some sleeping issues? (ha!)
space to eat - room for a real kitchen table, now time to teach the boys how to sit at one
space to host - a guest room for interstate-dwelling parents, families and friends
space to play - the large backyard is concreted, in true inner-city Mediterranean style, but that's perfect for boys, bikes, chalk and people who hate mowing lawn!
space to hang - with plenty of room for stringing out clothes indoors I can avoid the dryer
space to grow - I'm already planning my above-ground vegie plots, compost and worm farm...
space to create - a room in which the sewing machine and iron can be left out, works-in-progress left undisturbed, and threads, pins and scissors left in reach without ramification.

But I'm a bit apprehensive too. Our family has learned so much from living in a small space together. We've learned to say no to stuff, both by buying less and by letting things go when they are no longer necessary to us. We've learned to be unpretentious hosts, sharing meals with friends sitting on the floor around the coffee table. We've learned to coexist in and negotiate the use of shared space in the dining-living-sewing-guest-TV-playroom. We've learned greater material contentment, and just how rich we are in this world.

But I know my inner aspirational, consumerist self is still lurking under the surface. And I suspect that with the move, and the potential for more accumulation, and the desire to make a new space homely, and the pregnancy nesting syndrome starting to kick in, I've got some big challenges and temptations ahead of me. Can I hold onto sustainable ideals? Will I keep my clutter and consumerism under control? I'd better stay tuned...


  1. Congrats on the bubba, forgot to add it to the last post, sorry! And yaya for easy rental option, that took out a lot of stress! You'll love the extra space, and the boys will love running outside whenever they like!

  2. Mmm. That's a toughie isn't it. It'll be wonderful to have more space. It can mean that the little clutter you have looks less like clutter or that suddenly you find more room to make mess. I am sure the boys will do so you may need to have strong demarcation lines in place for messy play and always tidy places BEFORE you move in. If you try it after you'll definitely be facing an uphill battle. It's also great for growing boys to have places to whizz around outside but don't forget those wonderful park days you have. Wish I could be there to help you move. Cherrie

  3. Gina, it sounds perfect! I know you'll do fine, but I don't envy you the packing-and-moving bit. If you time it right, that nesting instinct should be kicking in...

    Your boys are just adorable.

    Wendy xx

  4. Sounds like a wonderful new adventure!!
    Enjoy 'nesting' there!!
    Andi x

  5. Yay! perfect rental really secure and you don't have to be precious about it.

    I think you will do really well at not acquiring to much stuff despite the extra space. You are well practised at it.

  6. ooo, lots of new adventures! Yay! I think you'll be fine with the clutter side of things too. You just have to be really selective about what you let in, it can be hard though visiting the op shops and seeing something you just 'have' to have! Can't wait to read all about it! xx

  7. I was wondering where you planned to put a fifth family member in a two bed flat, but didn't want to mention it in case it hadn't occurred to your delicate pregnant brain. Sounds like you've got a wonderful move ahead, and knowing you've got it for 5-10 years beats any other rental agreement. It's insane that in Aus (Vic at least) there isn't a 5 or 10 year option on residential leases. That's what pushed us to save up for a house of our own.

    My 'nesting' hasn't gone away with the arrival of the baby! I'm hanging out waiting for our first Baby Bonus payment so I can equip our house with more than three chairs. After a cranky day yesterday I've also decided I'm going to break my ethical clothing pledge for the first time in nearly two years and go buy myself some new clothes at Target. Talk about aspirational! But I am going to do a dutiful round of the op shop first, sigh.

  8. oh lucky you!
    we've been renting our current house for almost 7 years now but i still fear the phone call saying they want to sell etc....
    and i wish we could do more to the house as well. but it's a gorgeous space in a lovely community minded suburb, so i guess i can't complain.
    good luck with the move - i've moved house twice when i was pregnant (once at 7 mths and once at 8 mths) and it's not pleasant - but having a new space will be.

  9. I had wondered... What exciting times you have ahead!! Think of all the awesome op-shopping you'll be able to do!! :D It sounds like such an ideal situation for you, G. I'm so thrilled for you!! x

  10. I think your new rental sounds just perfect Gina. Enjoy all that new space.

  11. Can I get more books now that we're getting more space in which to put them?

  12. Sounds exciting Gina! How perfect you can expand and still stay inner Melb. Gorgeous photos!

  13. Sounds like a great move. I guess you just never know what you will end up learning when you are faced by a new situation. But I'm sure you will find a way to balance the space and your inner voice and more books. :)

  14. what a perfect move, i want to live in a rental i can bang nails into!

  15. Sounds like a great move Gina, and good luck with all those space ideas...I did get a chuckle from the idea of space sorting out the sleep issues (let me know how you go!) and getting your kids to stay at the table (again, let me know!).

    You will be fine, those inner hoarding tendencies will be balanced out by the thought of taking three children shopping with you!

  16. Gina that sounds like an awesome move. A house. In your same area. That potentially could be rented for the next 5-10 years. And you can do stuff to it. Oh in my dreams, it could never be so good!
    I'm sure you can hold on to your sustainable ideals. More space to grow veges and have a worm farm like you said. More space to make preserves and store them...

  17. YAY... how awesome is that?!?! That takes so much of the stress away from moving it's insane. When we moved from our 2 br app up the road to our residential shop front Carlos didn't even know I was pregnant. He had enough to stress about finding us all a new home that telling him I was pregnant would just break him. So for 1 whole week I kept my mouth shut until he had the keys for our new house in his hands.

    I can honestly say that moving to a bigger house hasn't made us lose our values. We did have to buy furniture like a dinning table and wardrobes and beds but everything has become easier and with more room to move there is less conflict and more negotiating.

    You wont loose a thing. You will gain a sense of calmness... embrace it hun!! You are going to love it!!

    xo Steph

  18. That's wonderful news Gina! Space to grow :) I think space is like your salary... no matter how much you have you fill it/use it.... but those periodically purges are so cathartic! :)) Kx

  19. After ten years in our own place, we've been back renting this year. Yours sounds like a dream gig. No three monthly rent inspections. Hooks in walls where you wanthem. Long term security. Perfect!

    (ps we have FIVE bedrooms, and usually all end up in the same bedroom by the morning)

  20. what a great post! i completely feel your pain in terms of simplicity and contentment vs. the inner consumer beast! having a vegie patch will be such a blessing-- i'm very jealous of that!

  21. Wonderful news. You won't know yourselves (or the boys!) with all that extra space! Can't wait for the next visit. xx

  22. I read this rule of thumb somewhere - "only own something if it's beautiful or useful". I wish I remembered where I read it, whoever thought of it has really improved my own efforts to keep the possessions down.

    Good luck with the packing and moving.

  23. Best of luck with your new move Gina, I hope you all thrive and find you have already gained the nous to fill your new home in a fun and functional way without feeling too guilty!!! Go for it! x

  24. Hi Gina,

    good luck with the move.

    I agree with your comments on realizing just how rich we are in this world.

    That is a great attitude to have and is something I too realize.

  25. hey I totally feel you on the bigger space might mean more buying in the future - I feel like it can be a constant battle sometimes. Although the bigger space might just spark your creativity and lead to more upcycling. Good luck1

  26. Congratulations on the easy relocation, and even bigger congratulations on B3 :)

  27. Oh I forgot, you're going to be massively busy over the next few weeks... I tagged you for a meme, if you like doing those kinds of things.

    PS: My bank tells me okay, so I've got your package sitting right next to me ready to drop off at the Post Office :-)

  28. such great news about the house and what fun you will have settling in. CONGRATULATIONS on bub number three that's wonderful xx

  29. Im thrilled for you.
    Happy moving and banging in of picture holes. When you get the spare time join in my 'whats on your wall' meme :0

  30. Hey Gina,Firstly- Congratulations! to you all for babe and space. I found that when we moved to a space like I'd never known I didn't and don't want to collect 'stuff'. I really enjoy the space... I'd still like a 'bit on the side' (ie a sewing room) for me to play in and leave knowing it is as I left it... You must be so happy you can stay in your community, it is a great thing to feel a part of and involved in.

  31. you're having a baby! oh wonderful news! all the best with the moving and setting up space! AND the pregnancy! xx

  32. best wishes with the move. we're hopefully soon going to be moving, and i couldnt be more exicted and hopefull about not having to sew on the kitchen table anymore!

  33. Hey, congrats on the news - very exciting! With another one added to the brood, you'll have so much less time for consumerism anyway, so you may not have to worry! Good luck with the move, sounds great!

  34. It's hard to keep clutter under control with little ones. I think, however, you will handle it amazingly with more space. Can't wait for your new arrival!

  35. Ahhh the allure of space ... I might just re-read you list from time to time and just dream ... ;)

  36. I just got back into the blog world and saw your wonderful news. Congrats beautiful lady, such exciting news.

  37. You guys take it easy & enjoy the holidays. 2011 is going to be a wonderful year!

  38. very thoughtful post. we are renting a place on the beach for the holidays that is 5 times bigger than our house and as much as i love having some more space some of it is a little overwhelming and comes with it's own challenges. sure you'll find your footing and make the space your own. xo m.

  39. Firstly congratulations!!! I am so happy for you. Secondly thats great about moving to bigger space, while yes I agree with your concerns about consumption, it will be so much easier for you. I know my days have improved immensely since moving somewhere bigger, and my level of consumption has dropped now that I don't have to go out to occupy the children. And you can have a vegie garden, I LOVE ours. I notice its a while since you've posted so I hope you are well and the pregnancy is going ok.

  40. Haven't heard from you in a going ok? xxx

  41. hey Ms Gina, thinking about you.
    hope all is well with you ♥

  42. oh it is a fine line is it not! look forward to tuning in to your journey. i must say - it is hard not to accumulate in our world. 99% second hand or from the side of the road but still keeps coming!


“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
~Albert Einstein