
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

One Day...

Dear blog readers,
One day, I will present you with pictures of my wonderful children frolicking through fields in cute handmade outfits.

Note to self: youngest child appears to have astigmatism. Must book him in for his (long overdue) 1-year-old check up.

One day, I will give you a tour of my serene and stylish family home.

One day, I will tell you that we made it through an entire day without reaching for the growing pile of DVDs; without resorting to bribery; without mama raising her voice; without at least one kitchen cupboard being emptied; without anyone eating glue or running with scissors.

One day, I will become a Real Mother.

Today is not that day. But salvation may be at hand... I just received this book in the post:

Help me, Amanda Blake Soule, you're my only hope.


  1. oh Gina, you totally crack me up!!

  2. Pfft! You ARE a real mother, right now, this second, with all your pots scattered about the floor & sticky fingers attached to your jeans legs... REAL mothers CAN'T have fancy shmancy shiny homes with nothing out of place, REAL mothers have kids that make big ass messes & enjoy the hell out of it & REAL mothers raise their voices occasionally 'cause being a REAL mother is freaking hard & sometimes, just sometimes, can be a bit of a pain.

    Do let us know how the book is though, I have been eyeing it off & have yet to get around to ordering it. I'm too busy frollicing in fields... ;)

  3. Oooh!! I've ordered that book!

    Kind of forgot that I don't have kiddies though!!

  4. Oh you don't need the book, your doing a mighty fine job on you own!!!! These photos prove to me that you are a magic mum and all that mess and chaos is NORMAL!!!

  5. This made me smile! (and I am of the opinion that the bigger the mess, the more fun is being had).

  6. How can you play cake tin drums if you don't empty the cupboard first? I would think that's mandatory in a creative family! Along with as much dirt as is possible to get on a 1 year old! And chalk. And those idealistic action shots? They've got to be a minute fraction of reality. Or else it's really boring where they live.

    PS You are a real mother. And a fantastic real mother.

  7. I want ot live at your house. It looks like fun. And your kids will never forget playing in the kitchen cupboards, drawing on the table and wearing their food. BAN PLASTIC TOYS and 'safe' (but boring) plastic playgrounds. Long live messy mums. XX

  8. Blimey! You have a LOT of pots and pans lady! That automatically makes you a REAL MOTHER. (Doesn't matter if you don't cook with 'em).

  9. Glad I'm not the only one!!! I don't want to alarm you, but I've had this book for a few weeks now and it's all still the same here! Perhaps you'll be more successful than me and my messy bunch! Great post - loved it!

  10. That about looks like my motherhood. Dirt all over every kid every day. Carrying them boots and all into the bath to save the house. Cherrie

  11. Yep.... all looks pretty real and normal to me, too.

    I find pictures of gorgeously-clad and perfectly-behaved frolicking children a bit dull. And unrealistic.

  12. Let's have none of that nonsense! You are a real mum alright. Real mums play with their kids, encourage creativity and exploring. Your kids will remember the time you spent with them, not how clean the house was! An overly clean house and kids is just sterile and stifling.

  13. No, I am not happy with the 'real mother' thingo either! You are obviously fun I reckon, and not everyone can be Amanda!

  14. You are just amazing, Gina... I think the only ones worthy of the 'real mother' tag are those with real life kids. You're doing fine babe :) K

  15. oh you! oh her ...


    take that tongue right out of your cheek ;)

    looks pretty real to me!!!

  16. I laughed out loud at the photo of those pots and pans on the kitchen floor... yes, out loud. Pulling all those out would have been so much fun!

    Great post and I look forward to one in the future where your floor is spotless and you too, look as peaceful as that lady on the book cover!

  17. Ha! this made me laugh, as a mother of two young boys (and a girl) I hear you!......enjoy your book.

  18. Gina... a real MUM?? Hun your totally there!! Own it and live it while it's here!! You know it will change one day then all of a sudden it's gone!! Meanwhile I might have to get me one of those books... oh and copy and paste your post hehe

    xo Steph

  19. Isn't that what creative looks like? My house looks very... um... creative too!

  20. Yep, its all looking pretty real over at your place. You just seem to be missing a bit of tanbark stuck to clothes, a pile of sand in the loungeroom and some orange crayon on the wall!

    You're doing a fine job, Gina!

  21. I feel so normal now!!
    Thanks Gina.
    PS - does having a spotless house make you a good mother??? Oh dear, my kids are in trouble then...
    It's a great book though - I got it from the library a while back.

  22. Amanda would be the first to tell you that being a creative mom leads to some pretty big messes ans sometimes she just has to serve popcorn for supper! And that dirt on the kids' face? That's you being a good mom and boosting his immune system!

  23. LMAO!! ( I have pictures like that)

    I love that book. Amanda is a true inspiration to us all (but I don't think everything in her world is always as perfectly smooth as her lovely photos make it appear) ... I envy her her popcorn suppers which I think is sometimes all we get to see publicly of her turmoils. My kitchen looks a lot like yours Gina (only my counters are covered and not my floors) ... and you ARE a 'real mother' ... real mothering doesn't mean we have to be perfect ... I don't think Amanda would think so either.

  24. He he Gina, great post! Your place looks like mine.

    It looks like your doing a great job, your children look happy and healthy! We don't get through a day without at least one DVD. If your lucky it will be one thats not too terrible to sit through. About the cupboards we don't have that problem as we have a gate across the kitchen, only because there are no 'child safe' cupboards in our kitchen.. mind you no. 2 pulled two bars off the gate the other day (yes a welded metal gate) I think he has superhuman strength ;).

    I'm very envious of your book I've been thinking about getting that one myself.


  25. I sure hope all that constitutes real mothering because that's what my days are like too! Hey, emptying cupboards is what they'll remember, right?... xx

  26. Nah, you don't need that, you're the real deal!

    It does look like a nice book though...

  27. Oh I have that book too - please don't let it make you feel as inadequate as it did me! There are some great ideas in there and some things we have definitely taken on board an implemented, but I don't think it's that realistic for modern, working mamas.

  28. Sometimes I look at my messy house and piles of laundry, and spoiled food because the gourmet in me just had to resort to mac-n-cheese...and sigh. My older son says it best, "we may be kind of messy, but we spend so much time together as a family."

  29. heheheheheheh this made me laugh! Your kids look like they're having the time of their lives! No doubt BECAUSE they're scribbling and playing with mud and messing around with pots'n'pans. SOunds like you all know how to have a good time and keep things like tidiness concerns in their perspective :o)

  30. Love it!!!
    You're boys look like they're really experimenting with media - the youngest is clearly going through a texture period and well... chalk - I believe it is the hottest thing now in the Manhatten art scene.
    Bravo! Bravo! ... I hope you didn't wash that table it'll be worth a mint.
    For my part - I clearly haven't vacummed the floors recently as evident by the poo full of thread that Ms. M did this morning! ... or was that a mixed-media performing art piece?

  31. Hahaha! I LOVE it! You know what, I reckon all those 'Real Mother's' photograph selectively and show only snippets of time... it's gotta be unhealthy to live such a *wholesome* and polished life all the time. Bring on real mamahood, any day.

    Having said this, enjoy your new book! It does look lovely.

  32. Hang in there. It DOES get easier! (But we all have days like that!)

  33. Blog world needs posts like these to keep us all sane. (We are not the only ones who have dirty kids and messes that pop up out of nowhere, and don't even get me started on tv.) Thanks Gina!

    Hope you enjoy the book!

  34. Oh my lordy, I hear where you're at! When I hit the wall once my Mum told me she had a rule never to trust a 'real Mum with a designer house and clean children'. Its hard to let go of these ideals but the more I do the happier I am (we are) and the more creative we can be.

  35. Doesn't fun always equal mess? I have to remind myself of this everyday - slowly letting go of my perfectionistic tendencies...

  36. (I really should learn Australian some day. Guh? Buh? Meh? ;-))

    Aren't you the one who was looking for ideas to make something yourself as a present for her little one?

    Aren't you the one who peddles around on a heavy bakfiets?

    Aren't you the one who knows how to laugh at herself, who tries to learn new things and see new perspectives every day?

    You know, you not only sound like a real mother to me. You sound like a warm, sweet and loving mom. Those little ones of yours are some lucky little rascals ;-)

  37. That pikky of your youngest is a CLANGER! Love it. Love the words. Thanks for reminding me.


“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
~Albert Einstein