
Thursday, October 29, 2009

My creative space...

In my space today I'm...

waiting for some fabric to dry in the glorious sunshine

drinking chai

watching my boys enjoy the simplicity of a better-late-than-never birthday present (thank you Peta for the idea, and the ever-thoughtful, random-gift-giving Nikki for the supplies!)

and regaining some perspective, on mess, clutter and parenting:

Thank you all for the reminder after my last post that mess and chaos are just par for the course. And in fact, according to Amanda, a healthy sign of creativity going unstiffled. Duh. That's kinda what I told myself when I started out on this little bloggy adventure.

Children + Mess = Good Clutter.

Concern about appearances + keeping up with Joneses = Bad Clutter.

Got it.

For more creative spaces, visit lovely Kirsty.


  1. Now thats a great way of looking at it, except I need to tell myself that Me + crafty mess = good clutter

  2. Love that comment too! This is the math type of question i like!

  3. You're on the money there.
    Chai + fabric on the line + sunshine = heaven.
    Go enjoy the rest of your day.

  4. a lovely post ... a reminder of how the simple things are often the best.

  5. glad your enjoying your clutter and your boys... I am thinking they are only little and in my space so long, should "enjoy" the chaos they bring, because they are supper creative? Thanks for commenting on my new header - glad you like!

  6. I love your definition of bad clutter!

  7. Putting round pegs in a round hole, priceless fun :)

  8. Oh my, what is that book you are reading there?! I think it should be put down right away. Its not about the travelling, its about what you produce when you get there. (love that mouth pose as he concentrates. Sooo cute.)

  9. What a super toy - I think even I would find that fun!

    (You know Gina, I just keep telling myself a tidy house is a sign of a wasted life .... or put more harshly no-one lies on their deathbed wishing they had done more housework.)

  10. Great post Gina. You've ended up going the full circle on the kids mess! It's funny how things work themselves out that way.

  11. I HEART Kids Clutter... hmm T-shirts slogan maybe!!

    xo Steph

  12. good clutter is so hard to avoid! i'd hate to live my life as a full-time de-clutterer, it would get dull.
    funny re bad clutter :)

  13. lovely post Gina. sounds like a perfect day. how could it be anything other than good when you look at that expression of concentration and determination on that precious little mouth. great photo

  14. How divine is that concentrating face. Sounds like a lovely afternoon. Hey is that new toy sitting on a clean bench?! X

  15. Nice job on the better-late-than-never-tin-and-peg-thingy. Godo to see that Amanda heard your call. But then, how could she ignore. She was your only hope!!

    PS.. I love the tongue of concentration. We have two of those in our house. And strangley enough, also belonging to males...

  16. I have lots and lots of 'good clutter' :-)

    I think ive finally accepted that i'll always have lots of good clutter.

  17. that is a great posting toy!

    and i agree with everything you said in this post!

  18. Nikki strikes again! God love that woman and her gift giving!

    And thank you for the reminder on good v's bad clutter ... there was a lot of bad clutter going on in my brain today!

  19. The good and bad clutter one is hard sometimes though hey? just have to keep on reminding ourselves...

  20. Perfect, Gina! Around here mess and clutter means a productive day has been had... and I can tell you we have lots of it!! My mantra is "even Amanda has popcorn for dinner sometimes..." I'm glad you figured it out! Sounds like you had a lovely relaxing day drinking chai in the sunshine and enjoying your little ones. x

  21. Love the tin - classic tongue action! You've got it sorted - enjoy the ride.

  22. Excellent toy!
    And I agree with Leisl's quote about what you will regret or wish you had done when on your deathbed.

  23. What a great pressie! The intense concentration is priceless.

  24. Love it - looks so fabulous! Glad you're feeling more yourself again :) K


“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
~Albert Einstein