
Friday, August 5, 2011

Angry Spoons

I've been in default gloomy mode this week.
Some difficult stuff going on for close friends is weighing heavy on my heart. 
I've felt cynical and jaded.
The babe has been favouring night-feeds.
My eldest has been sick and whiny.
My middlest has been constantly contrarian, rough and ear-splittingly loud. 
I'm told I have symphysis pubis dysfunction which a right-royal pain in the... pelvis.
I can't get back to running for at least six months.
We've watched too much television.
There is a vague but persistent poo smell in the living room which we can't locate.
Someone ate all the chocolate.
(Oh wait, that was me. Great, now I'm fat too).

I think my 2-year-old really managed to capture my mood in yesterday's defiant graffito: 

Angry Spoons (2011) 
by Charlie
Permanent marker on stainless steel


If I take the gloom-filters off, there has been so much good in our week this week.  I just need to go back through it, to see it all again without the storm cloud.

The arrival of awesomely retro hand-knits from Great Great Aunty Audrey:

Glorious sunshine and a burgeoning veggie patch:

Our first radish harvest:

And a new favourite, rocket-radish-carrot-apple-mint-parsley-lemon salad:

A finished knitting project in deliciously soft, saturated yarn:

Finally being able to dress the girl in the sweetest of cardigans:

Nudists and slave labour:

A few hours of fun with coloured rice (inspired by Emma):

Leaf tea enjoyed in my beautiful birthday cup (c/o Melski):

Some baking and yarning (both kinds) with a good pal:

And a lovely project that's spanking along:

So many enjoyable moments. So much to be grateful for. I guess it wasn't all Angry Spoons over here. 

How has your week been? 


  1. Brilliant, i use child labour too, you do get what you pay for but hey, i can live with spoons where the forks should go!!
    I just realised that one of the reasons i feel extra heavy is a friend just told me she's getting a divorce, i've never had a friend/ school mummy go through divorce before, she seems OK about it, but still . . . must remember to collect her daughter from the sleep over tomorrow as i said i'd have her while she sorts things out at home!! Love Posie

  2. Giant snap on the angry defiant toddler :-(
    But your knitting looks like it's coming along beautifully.
    I love the little pink cardigan, the buttons are so sweet!

  3. Great post - yours ups and downs presented with good humour! It's always a bit topsy turvy here too, but good overall. Loving the knits you've been working on.

  4. Love the slave labour, I've been trying to get my own minions to do some of that for me!

    Hope you have a better, less angry-cutlery-ness next week! Eat more chocolate, it doesn't make you fat when you eat it in a gloomy mood!

  5. SPD comes with the territory of three kids - uggh! It's good to write the good with the bad. Makes you realise that all the bad ain't all the bad. Hope you have a happy weekend, with three hours of continuous sleep!

  6. I think the last bit looks lovely, good to see the good through the bad... it's interesting the way we can look back at our whole lives like this can't we?? only focusing on the horrible if we choose.

  7. You'll have to report on how the phrase "Angry Spoons" enters the family lexicon.

    "Are you having an Angry Spoons day?"

    "This week has been so Angry Spoons."

  8. yep, I love the "angry spoons" phrase too - and wonder if the humour in that artwork helped lift the gloom filters? I hope your next week has loads more enjoyable bits x

  9. My kids would never draw on something that was actually cleanable! (When there is all those walls and furniture to yet deal with).

    Loving all those new & vintage knits!

    P.S. The no jogging bit sounds great to me

  10. Facing the gloom without further chocolate ... dire ... and despite this, you managed some happy moment recall ... nice one sister (look after that pelvis, eh?)

  11. Glad you can see the bright side... : ), your vegie garden looks awesome!

  12. I had my cranky pants on the week before last, but was grateful for my habit of reviewing my day and being grateful for good things. It helps shift your perspective and leads to more restful sleep and good dreams. Mostly.

    My week this week was very ODD. My very nice, but negative-fixated, energy-sucking boss left for other pastures (last day with us was Thursday), and I've had a lot of discussions with various people about how unconnected working part-time can make you feel.

    I am sorry to hear about all your doom and gloom, and I absolutely love everything you took photos of. I am particularly tickled that you and your yarning friend wear the same shoes.

    Here's hoping for less gloom in your life!

    Oh, and PS! My youngest sister now has a delightful FIANCE instead of a boyfriend. :)

  13. Looking at the photos it is indeed all loveliness over at casa Clutterpunk - funny how all the negative stuff boils away in the background and upsets the nice bits.

    BTW, you also know you have a good buddy when you both wear matching red sneakers :)

  14. Angry spoons. I think a spoon rack is in order for these. You are knitting! And untangling hanks, or rather persuading the other half to do it. Wonderful all round. And I'm loving that coloured rice! :)

    (PS - do you know what the hairdresser said to me last week? "I like your nits"

    ??? She was actually saying "I like your knits..really, of all the things, I couldn't get over it, lol!!

    I do like your knits!

  15. Gina, ups and downs...downs and ups. I had a good chuckle at your angry spoons. Probably wasn't funny at the time, but at least now if you need a little 'me' space you just have to hold up a spoon to let everyone what you are feeling.
    ...and your poor pelvis :-(

  16. Hello there, thank you for sharing your ups and downs. My life is taking the same shape as yours in this post. Hard stuff/good stuff. I'm in the middle of DIY sleep school for Eve, so that's pretty consuming at present. We are on Day 2.5. Some progress... hard work!

    Hope you are having a good week :)

  17. Feeling very angry spoons myself right now. Thanks for this x

  18. Love your blog, great humour, terrific pix! Nice knitting projects too, I especially like the little cardigan, lovely buttons for a lovely little girl!

  19. The cardigan on your baby girl is gorgeous! Actually scratch that! I think the baby is more beautiful!! But the cardigan is also very nice!! :) :) :)
    Have a wonderful week,

  20. I've got to admit, I kinda LIKE the spoons!

  21. Great photos of your kids and the garden :) And "angry spoons" are too cool!

  22. Changing the lense can do wonders can't it?

    Loving the angry spoons. Not sure I'd be so keen on them if they were created by one of our resident artists though.

    Melski sure is a beverage expert... she certainly knows how to down a coffee or tea... and with perfect style. Great cup & saucer.

    We've got raddishes everywhere (ok... small hyperbole) here so I'll be onto that creative and yummy looking salad real soon. Yummo!

  23. hey chickie, hope the angry spoons haven't been around today.

    thinking of you & sending you hugs ♥

  24. Write More! I love your blog. It is funny and real and you seem to be a kindred spirit. another entry please....

  25. A little hello via blogland before I disappear into the fog of new babyland. Hope all is going well for you & your family with lots of Spring sunshine.

  26. Your blog has been such an encouragement for me this week! My husband is away and I'm home with the boys (4 years and 11 months). Both are pretty demanding but I love them. I found your blog through an image search for Christiania bikes as we are trying to get a 2nd hand one: btw love the name - Hudson! As I read I found myself resonating with so much you write about: slow food, slow transport, sewing, Christianity, veggie garden, sometimes crazy children (love the floured lounge room photo!) Its nice knowing that even if I am a little odd that there are others out there like me. Thank you for sharing your life with us :)


“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
~Albert Einstein