
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Easy as 1-2-3

We're really enjoying these early weeks with our fifth family member. Far more than I predicted. Not that I was anticipating a world of pain, but I like to keep those expectations low!

And it's not all down to my little lass being a dream-baby or anything. She's a fairly typical baby I suspect. Some sleeping, some not-sleeping, some gooing, some crying. She's not quite five weeks, so I'm not planning to pigeon-hole her just yet! All I can say is that we're really enjoying her and the sense of cohesion I feel like she's brought to our little gang. Watching my firstborn, William, delighting in his little sister is truly gratifying.

When I say 'we', perhaps I shouldn't try to speak for all of us. Quite predictably, I can feel Charlie, my now-middle child, struggling. He's two and half and has just been usurped as the baby, so it's completely natural. I don't think it helps that the eldest and youngest share so many similarities as newborns, and that we probably keep drawing comparisons to their physique, alertness, and distinctive mannerisms within earshot of our not-quite-cookie-cut kid. 

Charlie, we adore you no less now than before - you're the perfect middle kid for our family!

So here we are, five weeks in, finding our new rhythm as a family.
 Funnily enough, it looks largely like the old rhythm, apart from one thing:

There's a lot more PINK.


  1. Oh pink - the bane of my life. And it just seems to get brighter and more sickly the older they get. Although, 5 years in we seem to be turning (finally)!

    I'm enjoying reading how you handle your adventure as 5 since we'll be heading into the same territory in September!!

  2. Pink! Because she's a GIRL! Still amazing. Glad things are going OK, lovely to hear how well she's fitting in.

  3. Currently wrangling childcare to try to make it to Nikki's. Then I can bestow you with more PINK. (Blimey you sound zen).

  4. A family of 5 sounds lovely - but NOT at all tempting from here!
    What a gorgeous backdrop for your three gorgeous children;)

  5. Ah middle child syndrome. I know thee well. Also the not-quite-cookie-cut part. Charlie, you are in good company!!

    G, I hope you like pink, as I see lots of it in your future.

    Congratulations on exceeding your expectations!

  6. Wonderful that you are all at peace. It comes from the parents down so you are obviously doing a great job of showing love. It might be best to keep the comparisons out of Charlies earshot though. What is sown now in his brain may be incredibly hard to dislodge later. He needs to continue to know that he is as important as before. Cherrie

  7. There's a tonne of pink in our house!

    Amy was born three weeks after Jack's second birthday. He had a huge screaming nightmare very soon after she came home and had to sleep in our bed. But the biggest thing was he started carrying his best Ted around everywhere and making me and T hug and kiss Ted fifty times a day. So we made a big fuss over Ted and told him how special he was, and after a couple weeks Ted didn't need so much reassurance.

    Amy's about to turn eight months and she and Jack adore each other. Phew!

    P.S. Check out Bek at Red Chocolate's photos of her growing baby - first thing I thought of when I saw Susannah's pic!

  8. aawww how lovely ;-)) Enjoy her and your lovely family, dee x

  9. What a cutie! And she looks quite at home on all those hexagons...

  10. Sound like things are going swimmingly! I was similar when I embarked on our family of five journey... Kept expectations low, and so was happy when it wasnt as bad as I had thought! My big and little are so similar and my middle is physically quite different. I wonder if it bothers her when we make those comments? Something to think about.

    Lovely pics. Reminds me I am late with my monthly pic again!!

  11. I missed your triumphant return!
    (A little late) but a big congratulations on baby no.3. She is sooo very sweet.
    Enjoy those precious first months.

    Also thank you for encouraging me to jump into patchwork. I think it just might be the beginnings of something rather big.

  12. lovely shots, see the hexagon quilt is getting used. So glad you are enjoying your little family xx


“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
~Albert Einstein