
Monday, October 18, 2010

Something in the oven.

Almost 3 months ago, the double glazed door of our two-year-old, just-out-of-warranty Whirlpool oven decided to explode. 

From what I could see, the oven just needed some new front glass, or at most a new door, which I figured would not be an impossible ask of the manufacturer. Our oven was two years old, only just out of warranty, and in perfect working order, apart from the old lack-of-door issue. 


Apparently, ovens are a disposable item these days. I get it, I really do. I mean, it's been two years, and that oven technology, whoah, it's moved on people - who wants to be caught dead with a slow-moving two year old oven? Plus, it looked so 2008. Of course there would be no replacement glass or door for our (clearly defunct) model available in Australia. Of course we would most likely prefer to just 'upgrade' to the next model, the newer, sexier, shinier version. Almost the same cost really, because if we did want to take the distasteful approach of repairing our oven, then we'd have to wait ten years for the parts to arrive by goat from Uzbekistan, and then scalp a kidney to pay for installation.  

Anyway, {insert rant about the state of the world today and why I think free-market economies are stupid here}. As of last week, we have a functioning oven again. Unfortunately, it is a new one, but it comes with a five-year warranty, accessible parts and servicing, and is definitely NOT Whirlpool.

Which means I can BAKE!

Did I mention pizza?

Going almost three months without our Sunday night neighbourly pizza-fest has been a killer. Last night, with much celebration, we resumed. Multiple delicious homemade pizzas followed by a lemon and rhubarb cake (thanks Lauren for the recipe!).

But now I have a confession.

If our oven DID have to explode and be out of action for a few months, then these few have been the time to do it. Because until just about yesterday, I had absolutely no stomach, energy or enthusiasm for baking anything. 

Because, well... I have *something in the oven*. 

I may have mentioned on this post back in July being in two minds about having more children. Dating suggests that I pretty much made up my mind as I pressed 'publish post'. Anyway, we are happy and grateful to be carrying a little one, and look forward to meeting him or her in early autumn next year. 

Meanwhile, I'm just thrilled to have a baking stomach back. And a baby to hide all that pizza behind.


  1. Oh a great big squealing yippee to you and a congratulations and a hope for a smooth run now the energy levels are somewhat returned. Oh and a big mushy kiss too! xx

  2. Oh Gina - huge congratulations to you all!!!

    The baking looks glorious and it is lovely to have you back in blogland too. You have been missed.

  3. Congratulations! That's such wonderful news!! Hope you are keeping well and able to get at least a little rest.

    Have fun with your new oven (I had a narrow escape recently ... I got away with a repair on our not-very-old oven ... I was hyperventilating looking at the prices on new ones!)

  4. Wonderful news about the bubby on the way... Oh how I wish I had something to hide my pizza belly behind. Happy baking & please post any good recipes you feel like sharing.

  5. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! A new oven is a very special event... ;)

    Damn all that food looks nice, my something in the oven is almost baked, but until it is, it craves all sorts of delicious things I don't have the energy or inclination to make...!

  6. What delicious news (no pun intended)!!!!

  7. Oh my goodness, that's such wonderful news! The real bun in the oven, not the actual oven because that is NOT good news.
    Soooooo exciting!

  8. Woohoo!!! Congratulations Gina. You pulled a swifty on us;)
    Those pizzas look delightful too.

  9. woweeee Gina :-) Congratulations!!! And I have to put 'a good word' out there for Fisher and Paykel... our fridge and washing machine are both just under 10 years old and we have been able to get parts and repairs done very easily in recent times.

  10. Mate. You are just all over fabulous.

  11. Tee hee :-) Let me know when a clothing exchange is in order. Mine are nearly no longer necessary so as long as they're clean(!) you can have them anytime!

    P.S. Good to hear your bloggy voice again xx

  12. Oh WoW! Thats awesome news! Congrats to you and the Mr, x

  13. yay for you, glad you are back to baking goddess...

  14. Congratulations to you all - that's excellent news Gina.
    I wish you a healthy and uneventful pregnancy!

  15. Congratulations Gina! Such fabulous news for you all!

  16. Yay! So happy for you. Hope your'e feeling well. We're debating #3 at this joint... but will stick with the baking for now.

  17. Oh so much to celebrate, G!! The return to baking, delicious cake and a beautiful little squishy one on the way!! I have a big smile just reading that. So happy for you. Lots of love and belly rubs. xx

  18. yay, yay, yay!!!
    that is awesome news, congrats guys, wishing you all the very best.
    glad you are back, have missed you!!

  19. Congratulations Gina! I'm so thrilled for you! Hugs and cheers! xx

  20. Oh Gina, congratulations! Lucky our 'ovens' come with a better life and warranty than the Whirlpool variety! Lovely news. XO

  21. Congrats Gina, great news. And at the same time as me :-) And to think I thought the heading was a tease!!

  22. Gina , thats awesome !!! Congratulations !!
    (and the oven i killed was a whirlpool - never again)

  23. congratulations! and glad you have an oven again, even after a frustrating process...

  24. Congratulations! That's amazing news :-D
    (And once again, we are weirdly in sync!)

  25. WOOT WOOT!!! that is so exciting!!! xxx congratulations Gina!

  26. Wow, thats fantastic you guys! Congratulations x

  27. Great news, congratulations! Hoping everything goes great from here on in.

  28. Happy, happy, joy, joy. Gina, much love from me too xx. Enjoy your pregnancy.
    our oven has been busted for about as long- we do have a wood combustion stove (yes, think, little house on the prairie!) but it's getting too hot to use now. I will take yours and Jodies advice and not get a whirlpool (aren't they usually washing machine people).
    very happy news. Nice one!

  29. I love how you totally lured us in with your title then had your rant. We had to keep reading just in case the title was true!!

    YAY... HAPPY BIRTHDAY... no wait... Congrats to you and the family.

    ps our oven is a 'CHEF' and so is my hubby!

    pss... did I congratulate you already? hmmm YAY....

    xo Steph

  30. Hurrah hurrah hooray!! Congratulations, and Mum says she hopes you have a girl, because she thinks girls are more fun to be crafty for. But what would she know, right? I'll pray for happy and healthy. Love you lots!!

  31. Awww Congratulations wonderful exciting. Dee ;-))

  32. I was so enjoying your oven story (the whirlpool one), I was even reading it out loud to my partner...then I was really taken by surprise about your other oven - double ovens, so to speak. Congratulations!

  33. I just skimmed that post just in case there was baking of another nature as well..AND THERE IS!!!!!!!
    Hooray and congratulations and yay and I hope its a girl (sorry but I do) and more yay! I am thrilled for you and your family Gina. THRILLED! XX

  34. Big, big congratulations Gina. I was sure that you wouldn't have a post title like that without some big news. Looking forward to seeing you and the 'bump' soon xx

  35. What wonderful news!!! I haven't come past here for ages but tonight I thought I'd pop past to see what you've been up to and WOW!!! Congratulations.
    I have hardly been near the computer for the past couple of months but no such exciting excuse as this! xx

  36. Congratulations!!! I saw the title of your post, and the whole read I was all like "is she? is she?". Hooray for your little one in situ and I hope you are feeling well! (Hooray for homemade pizza too, but it is not quite as special.)

  37. Gina, congratulations. To you, to your love, to your little ones. I am very happy for all of you, what a great news! *Big Hug*

  38. Hooray! Well done! Big congrats!!

    And I'm totally with you on the rant about "disposable" appliances.....and definitely with you (as in beside you with a plate and fork.... possibly a big dollop of cream...) if ever you bake another one of those cakes.

  39. Congratulations Gina!!

    And I agree with you about our disposable culture, it makes me feel really angry and helpless.

  40. Congratulations Gina!! Such lovely news :) Kx

    p.s. LOVED the rant!

  41. congratulations!!! wonderful news!

  42. Such wonderful news GIna! A massive congratulations to your fam! :-D

  43. Fantastic news! congratulations!

  44. pizza...excellent, news...THE BEST!!!!

    Wishing you an easy and happy pregnancy.

  45. Oh how wonderful! You'll need a bigger bike-pram thing. :-)

    Sincere congratulations!!!

  46. congratulations! I'm in a very similar position, due in April as well. I started a blog about cooking 4 months ago, wrote a handful of posts and then couldn't stomach preparing any meals. Just getting out of that haze now.

  47. Congratulations!
    On both the baby front (great that it happened so easily having decided) and on the new oven front.
    No need to rant about the wonders of modern manufacturing and the state of the world today- I'm right there with you. Obviously the experience has led you to spend your pennies after asking a few more serious questions though!

  48. Now I understand why you are moving ;-)

    Congratulations! A new baby! Thats lovely news.

    I hear you re the oven. We've had similar problems with washing machines. Its so frustrating.

    Take care T x

  49. Gina so exciting! A huge congratulations!!!! I think I did a little excited gulp of air when I read the word 'confession'. As a mama of two boys I'm definitely listening very hard when someone in a similar situation ups the numbers to know what I mean?
    Lovely, lovely, lovely....

  50. Congratulations :) I'm having my third end of next month.
    Have to say that I had a VERY bad experience with a Whirlpool also. Mine was a washing machine, not even six months old that had the bearings go in it. After a month of time wasting I managed to get my hands on a different brand of front loader (unfortunately a little more expensive) but I was not going to ever have to deal with THAT company again.

  51. Congratulations Gina! That is so exciting. Sometimes even the best decisions are made for us I think! All the best with the pregnancy.

    I hope you enjoy using your new oven too.


  52. Congratulations! Such very exciting news! Vic xx

  53. congratulations gina! and enjoy all those yummy pizzas, plus that cake looks delicious!!

  54. Congratulations Gina, oh the joy & maddness of three small people!

    I'm glad we are not the only ones who discovered a third on the way whilst in the midst of "should we or shouldn't we" discussions!

    I know you love the inner city (I think from memory that's right) but my one bit of advice is GET A YARD....such a sanity saver in my experience....for me, for them!

    Making a mental 'whirlpool' note....that stuff drives me bonkers.

  55. Lordy how did I miss this post! That's bloody fantastic news lady! Congratulations to you all and many hugs and kisses xxx

  56. congratulations!! and what an apt post for announcing it too!


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~Albert Einstein