
Thursday, February 25, 2010

My creative space... apron therapy

Happy Thursday, Creative Spacers!

Well, between a lovely 'holidayette' with my family and then a very unlovely rotavirus chaser that hit the whole clan simultaneously, I haven't blogged or read emails since last Thursday. Thanks for all the shoe love - I bought those quirky shoes about 4 years ago at a small local shoe shop and for those interested I can just make out the brand as 'neo', if that means anything to anyone (I'm not a shoe afficionado). They're wonderfully comfortable, and I hope to keep them in good nick for years to come, in line with my ethical clothing pledge.

Anyway, let's move onto the craft. No shoes to see here this week... but there are aprons aplenty!

Poser! The dress is 100% polyester tartan - DElightful - bought for a tenner at my favourite shop Green Collective.

The first one above is a lovely soft apron with deep pockets made from a thrifted pillowcase and deocrated with lots of ric-rac. It's gone to its new owner, who is a hard-working home-based mama. Hopefully this will help brighten up some of the tough days.

The second one I made for another hard-working mama, who spends much of the day creating with her three little girls. I figured a cover-all pinnie would be the ticket, so I traced around my own favourite apron. The recipient is expecting her fourth bub later in the year so it's also a good choice for expanding bellies.

The part I love most about sewing for friends is adding my tag. I don't sell stuff, nor do I plan to, but when I started the blog my Beloved thought it would be fun for me to have my own label. It is! To all you other 'amateurs', I highly recommend it.

And one more apron for me - a peg-pocket apron.

OK, this is a total cheater. It's a pre-made garden apron, and I have sewn a fantastic vintage placemat over the top as a deep pocket. Both items were found for $1 at the local charity shop, where I often browse the bedding section for interesting bits and pieces to sew with. The best bit - both the apron and the placemat came in sets of four, so I have three more I can make. I plan to do a bit of embroidery on the empty space first, I think it needs some (I'm sure our hostess Kirsty will approve).  Then I think I'll give them away to, well, who knows?! Maybe YOU.

What's happening at your place? I will be over to visit this week, ohhhhh yes!


  1. They are all so cute. I'm a little obsessed with aprons atm!

  2. Wow - you've become quite the apron factory! I think yes, a bit of embroidery would be lovely.

  3. hmmm, very nice indeed there Ms Clutterpunk!

    did someone say apron..extra...what, you want them to be roadtested to see if they meet australian baking standards..;D

  4. HI Gina, sorry to hear about post holidayette sickness. Yuck. Gorgeous aprons, you are clever and generous. Where did you get your labels done? I have been thinking about it. Here's to your health!

  5. Inspired, woman! Inspired! Which is particularly impressive after all that vomit.

  6. Loving your aprons! Fantastic and your label...gorgeous!

  7. Great aprons! I think you need one for every mood! Do you know where your husband found the labels? I really like yours!

  8. Ahhh... *lightbulb moment* ... a peg pocket apron! This has now been added to my weekend sewing list - I think this is the answer to most of my laundry woes. Brilliant. Thanks muchly for the inspiration.

    ...and as always - I'm NOT wearing any shoes!!!

  9. Oh no!!! It has just struck me that perhaps I'm not interesting or intelligent ;)

  10. Hey you poser! I love all those fun poses.
    And your little name tag is really cool - wherever did you get it from?
    Have a great weekend. E xx

  11. You are the apron queen. I love your cheat apron- very appropriate for Autumn fast approaching. Hope you are all on the mend and starting to feel back to yourselves! xo m.

  12. oooo I LURVE the RED ONE!!!!!! They are super cool aprons lady...and as for the tag...BRILLIANT!!

  13. Wow! You have been busy - love all of these aprons and that dress is just fabulous! So funny you should mention the labels... I've been thinking of getting some dome myself lately. I couldn't work out how to do them as small as I'd like them without it being more time consuming than the actual things I'd put them on ;) I'm so with you - it is a great idea whether things are sold or not. Thanks Gina - another good one :) K

  14. I think I'm going to have to make some labels...and if your second apron goes missing, you'll know who to blame!

  15. Love the poses and the props. Nice touch!

    I too have been considering a label. Not to sell anything, just as a bit of a finishing touch on things I gift.


  16. these are awesome, especially the gardening one!

  17. Ooooh yeah. Apron porn.

    This is RIGHT up my ally - I seem to have developed a bit of an unhealthy "thing" for aprons. I like them. I like them a lot.

    I ADORE the funked up not-at-all-cheater-y garden apron!

  18. i like your labels + your great aprons! the wooden spoon = business!

  19. I like embroidery. And where did you get your labels?

  20. i know it's all about the cute aprons, but cute dress!

  21. Fabo aprons, but I just can't get over THE DRESS - you look so spiffy! Love your labels too - where did you get them made? Nic

  22. very cute aprons! I too am one for keeping shoes alive as long as possible. I still have and wear my Dr Marten's boots that I had at Uni, over 10 years ago!

  23. Sickness - begone, no more of THAT thank you. I love the aprons, (and the dress is super cute too). I think that the tags are a great idea, I know exactly what you mean.

  24. Oh pooh - rota virus. That doesn't sound like a bucket of fun. Hope you are all feeling better now.

    Love the aprons. (I'm with Vic ... more pinny porn please.) And I think if the whole editing thing doesn't work out, that you would surely be a natural for K-mart catalogues with poses like that.

  25. That 100% polyester dress is truly fabulous. Serious question - are the polyester dresses really hot to wear? I have a couple in the wardrobe but I always worry about getting all hot and sweaty.
    I must admit that a simple placemat apron is one of my favourite types - versatile and pretty!

  26. You make me want to wear aprons... I could wear one and do all the things I need to do and more. I just don't think I can emotional pull it off... how do you do it Hun? Tie is up and away you go?

    xo Steph

  27. I love your tags... I am sure you culd sell those aprons!!

  28. Love those aprons! Great work! Now I'm busy musing about what I could possibly need an apron for.... xx

  29. Oh I love all of those GIna! Especially love the peg one. I am all for reclaiming the apron and planting it firmly in the 2010's!

    Hey where'd you get your labels printed? I would like some too!

  30. you make an exceptional apron model. i lve the wooden spoon pose. the aprons are ace. i especially love the peg apron

  31. Oh i love the peg apron, i need one of those! It actually reminds me of the fruit & veg picture/painting that nearly everyone had in their kitchen in the 80s.
    I also like the idea of having my own handmade label. where would you get them from?

  32. I am dying over your dress! WANT!

  33. Love the aprons, ah yes, this little housewife wears one!! Love Posie

  34. I would wear that 2nd one out! I love it. I love the way the label changes the whole way something looks. Very professional. have a fab weekend. X

  35. your peg apron is definitely my favourite Gina x

  36. I've gone apron crazy BUt I just haven't been able to make one yet.
    Maybe after Easter crafting.


“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
~Albert Einstein