
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Learning to receive.

When I came back from holidays last week I found the most embarassingly large package awaiting me.
I had found out before Christmas that I won Lyn's giveaway over at From One Mum. So I was anticipating the arrival of this book...

... but not the arrival of:
a stack of vintage trims and buttons
a copy of Mixtape
an amazing array of vintage and new fabric squares and scraps
TWO moda charm packs
some fabulous and hilarious vintage craft magazines

Lyn, my girl, that was a massive haul! It only strengthens my resolve to craft from my healthy stash this year and make some great stuff with what I have. I've been getting particularly excited about making a scrap quilt with all the mismatched patterns, colours and styles of scrap-sized material I have, and Liz' contribution will feature strongly there. (I think the challenge of a scrap quilt is to somehow harmonize all those disparate elements... I think it's cheating when someone's "scraps" are from the same coordinated line of designer fabrics!!)

I don't know how you feel when you are the recipient of someone else's generosity, but I actually find it hard! I find giving without expectation of repayment sits easily with me (It is more blessed to give than to receive, Acts 20:35). But when I receive stuff, I start feeling indebted, and assume I'm meant to repay in kind or I'll be letting people down.

My lovely and perceptive craft-blog-friend Sally chastised me about this when I made noises about 'making something in return' after receiving her amazing package of goodies a few months back. Of course, sometimes we DO give in order to get back, but sometimes gifts are just that - a gift. Not swaps or barters, not ways of 'buying' my loyalty or seeking my custom. Sally asked me to take her package graciously and treat it as an exercise in receiving.

Well thanks to Lyn I now have another opportunity to practise the act of receiving graciously. Ouch, it hurts! But thank you so, so much.


  1. I agree with you! It's really hard for me to receive graciously. I feel that I should be giving something back in return...

    But there are some who get offended if you do that..

    It's hard to find the balance!

    At any rate, I'm uber envious, I want that book so much! You got such an incredible haul of goodies too, lucky girl!

  2. what a lvely parcel! I have started a 'crazy patchwork' quilt for a friends baby, it is so satisfyting sewing up all those tiny but beautiful pieces that have been haunting me! x x x

  3. Extra generous parcels are usually the most heart felt, best intentioned & lovely way to say thanks for being you!! Lucky girl, love Posie

  4. I have the same book Gina - I received it from myself :) haven't touched it yet, it's just sitting there looking pretty. x

  5. Oh wow, what a great gift for you :) Enjoy it!

  6. Me too Gina. It's something I've got to work on too. x

  7. such a wonderful generous gift the CK book alone would of been mega, it's a beautiful book AND has the fabric in it, bonus

  8. Hurrah for bounty!

    I also suffer a bit when receiving generosity, kindness, and compliments. BUT imagine how you would feel if someone felt indebted to you after you've given them something just because. Their gratitude, and the fact that they love what I've given, are repayment enough.

    So squirm with the feeling if you must, but mostly just revel in all that bounty!

  9. I know exactly how you feel Gina - I suffer from the same malaise. I really like the comment above from Joanne... sounds like a good plan :) Enjoy your lovely prize. Kx

  10. I think we all feel that way. Which is why I've got something for your boys and not you. And then this way they are indebted to me and your off the hook! Please let them know I prefer hand painted artwork. Ha, just kidding.

  11. What a fantastic parcel! I know you prefer the giving/receiving balance to be significantly weighted to the giving side, but we like to give things to you too. Just think how many fun things you can make with this parcel and then give away to other people!

  12. Lucky you. Sometimes making good use of the stuff revceieved is thanks enough (I agree it is hard though...)

  13. Wow what a haul. I can't wait to see what you make with all that!

  14. I echo what posie patchwork says... and I'm *thrilled* to see that you're exercising grace in receiving!
    ... did you find a passage in the bible yet about receiving??? I see that you quoted giving but does the good book say anything about receiving?

  15. I like the way you think... and articulate the way you think. And then, the way you make me think. xxx

  16. Looks like a lovely book, good luck with the scrap quilt.


“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
~Albert Einstein