
Thursday, October 15, 2009

My creative space...

Well, there are thousands of things I could be working on... things already started, things with time limits, things that I've promised to people, things that are needed around the home...
But the combination of continued wet weather, my new multitasker, Sew Mama Sew scrap-buster month and some gorgeous donated little scrap materials, are all screaming 'handstitching time'.
I'm just hoping I don't find even more crafty distractions in all the lovely creative spaces today...


  1. Your creative space looks very inviting. Can you please pop that kettle on, make me a cuppa and I'll come and sit beside you with my multitasker and we can get busy with some hand stitching and good conversation!!

  2. Oooh lovely! The little hexes & the cuppa & hand stitching...bliss.

  3. That is one seriously busy space. :)
    BTW I really like your blog banner.

  4. Oh so busy & oh so bright! Not to mention coffee... mmmmmmm.... coffee......

  5. It's a beautiful space Gina. I'd love to see all those hex's hand sewn together. Looking at your picture makes me want to go home and play!

  6. Hmmm, beautiful hexagons and a nice hot cuppa. Bliss! Stay warm and dry - hand stitching is the perfect activity for the day :)Anita. xx

  7. Oh, I know the feeling! I sometimes wonder though if I would be able to function without a long to do list. Like what happens when your to do list is empty? Does that mean your life is over?!

  8. What a gorgeous space. I am too impatient for handstitching but still am so inspired every time I see those lovely little hexes all over the place. Yours look great.

  9. Hmm hexagons.... I'm trying to resist but I keep seeing them everywhere. What's a girl to do?

  10. I am so pleased to see hexes in your CS

  11. DON’T find more crafty distraction? GOOD LUCK!

    Hint: I really need to know about the hexes.

  12. Your hexs look so beautiful, Gina. Enjoy your hand sewing time - I love it and find it very meditative and relaxing, don't you? Wishing you lots of good thinking time :) K

  13. Beautiful! Hand stitching is really the nicest thing, in my opinion. Shame it's so slow! But maybe that's part of it's beauty.

  14. what fabulous hexagons. i love your fabrics...

  15. Spots, dots, pink and green. My favourites.

  16. Those are some great fabrics, really nice colours! By the way, is that hot chocolate? Oh my, what a marvelous idea. With the chilliness here I would love some hot chocolate!

  17. looks like a wonderful distraction! lovely fabrics!

  18. I will unashamedly also say I love my multi-tasker, it's just so damn handy!
    Lovin' your hexagons - quilting is one crafty place I have not yet dared venture.

  19. Oh just loving all the beautiful fabric in your creative space!
    Sophie x

  20. looking good and yes great weather for hexes and cuppas. enjoy

  21. Ooh, pretty fabrics. May I ask where you found that lovely red piece with the writing on it?

    Love a cup of tea in a creative space!


“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
~Albert Einstein