
Monday, September 28, 2009

Loz and Dinny to the rescue...

Well howdy, pardners.

When my old mama received this bit o' yeller trim from Loz and Dinny, she knew straight away what she was gunna use it for.

You see, I'd been kickin' around in these baggy girly jeans with pink embroidery on the bottom. Mama found'em at the op shop for one buck and made me wear'em, and I was lookin' just a bit too purdy. So after takin' the legs in to add a bit of cowboy flare, she whacked on the trim:

I don't think mama'll be winnin' herself any prizes, but I sure am happy that I've stopped lookin' like a big girl's blouse, ya know what I'm sayin'?


  1. Ride 'em Cowboy - lookin' mighty fine!

  2. LOL, awesome post Miss Gina, and great pants!

  3. This is a classic! They look sensational .. at the OK Corral or down the street! Brilliant!

  4. Yeehar! That is fantastic. He looks very cowboy cool now.

  5. Aaaaaaww!! That's so dang cuuute!

  6. I am still laughing... at you because you're funny, at you making your boy wear girly jeans and at this post written by your boy!

    What a great idea and use of the trim. While at first glace, the trim didn't scream BOY, you have certainly made it fit for a horse-riding boy to wear! Great job.

  7. Too funny! They'd make great scarecrow pants too!!

  8. Brilliant, I'm also still laughing! I was very nervous for all those involved in this challenge as it looked a bit too Granny to be made into anything nice but you've managed to convert a pair of jeans into GREAT jeans.

    Just don't tell my son or he may not want to wear the thrifted girly jeans I have in store for him!

  9. Your hilarious!! I never would have thought of this!!! You are so so clever.

    xo Steph

  10. Ha ha!!! I think they are fantastic!!! He looks gorgeous!!

  11. lol. That's one super cool dude!!!!!

  12. Who woulda thunk it? I sure wasn't thinking COWBOY when I received mine in the post!

    Um, Mum, he needs a horse.

  13. You're a crack up Gina - gave me my laugh for the day I think!
    So glad your son need no longer look like a big girl's blouse.

  14. YEEHAR, little bronco - you done got yerself some mighty fine duds thar! Y'alls mamma got some talent me thinks. Who said y'all not gonna win, little lady?! :) K

  15. Cheerio cowboy! You look ready for some horse ridin', don't ya? (Ok, I know. I have no idea how to write cowboy language :-D)

  16. Kiddy up! They are awesome. I love your use of the trim. (And was having a bit of a giggle about the girl's jeans ... sounds like something I would do!!).

  17. Gosh darn it boay! Yo momma's one funnee laydee!

    And dang! those duds are lookin' mightee fine!


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~Albert Einstein