
Thursday, August 27, 2009

My creative space...

Another glaringly red creative space for me today.

You may have noticed me over the last few weeks, diligently pracitsing my stitchery, experimenting with paint, stamps and felt, trying to come up with something astounding for the Quilt Project.

Yesterday I chucked it all in, went for broke and designed, started and finished my square in an hour.

You see, my redwork was turning green and blue. Green, because I was looking enviously at the clever designs, astounding technique and rapid progress of others. Blue, because I was feeling mildly inferior and amateur. I don't have a signature style, or medium, or technique. I was wanting to be perfect at something I've never done before.

That's not what this is about. It's about community, not competition. It's about championing and enjoying the talents of others, and being happy to sit alongside them, to be inspired, not allowing myself to be threatened by beauty.

Thanks Kirsty. For lots of stuff, but particularly the opportunity to be part of something bigger than my own ego!


  1. OMGoodness! I can't believe you whipped it up in an hour! That is soooo impressive. And you are so very wise and correct in what you said. I've just visited a couple of other creative spaces and it appears there's a number of us who have gone through the self doubting. It's funny how we end up there but perhaps it's all part of the process?

    It looks beautiful Gina and has inspired me to get a move on with mine. Well done!

  2. So beautifully put Ms Clutterpunk. Your square is you and is perfect.

  3. Love the block and your attitude !!

  4. Great job! I love it.

    It's funny how we learn such big lessons through our crafting (and not just about the craft itself!) I know I do too! Thanks for sharing your process.

    This community quilt is going to be amazing!

  5. Wow, I love your blog! (I found it when you so graciously visited mine and left a comment). Your red stitching has me itching to go create something right now...

  6. Having felt the same way often enough, I totally get your greens and blues, and I love the way you've dealt with that. Your square is fantastic!

  7. Hear, hear. At least you joined in. I chickened out.

    And it's great, you doubter, you!

  8. All that Round and Round the Mulberry Bush and it oozes 'you'. Plus, I bet after all the practising you have a kazillion new techniques up your sleeve.

  9. I love your words of wisdom (and the design!) x

  10. It looks great, and the sentiment sums everything up perfectly. You've just gotta have some faith in yourself.

  11. It's wonderful Gina. And perfect. Just like you!

  12. ...hmmmm I think I may join in... your looks really good!

  13. It is just stunning, so simple, but powerful. A gorgeous piece.

  14. such a wonderful post Gina I really get where you are coming from and your conclusions are so true and brilliant I agree with melanie i think the doubt is part of the process I have done a similar post to yours (except I haven't finished in an hour!!!!!) and I feel really good about my square now and am inspired to really get on quickly to finish it

  15. I think it's beautiful Gina - no one would know that you "don't have a signature style, or medium, or technique". Love your honesty too. Do you know though, everyone in my course feels the same way. We're all happy with our own work until we see each others. Suddenly the self-doubt creeps in, and all those other unhelpful thoughts. Pht, I say! Fake it til you make it. I think we'd be surprised if we knew how many seemingly confident folk out there were actually mostly bluff.

  16. It looks so beautiful, Gina! It will certainly stand out, so all your attempts at self-sabotage will be in vain ;) Don't worry about the greens and the blues - look at how much you've learned for future projects :) K

  17. A wonderful post. I think you are way too hard on yourself. And the square is lovely. It's no fun if we are all the same!

  18. Everything in this post is golden - the words and the square. I'm tending your way after too much anxiety over it this week - let it be and it will be.

  19. Gina...Thank you! What a wonderful post. This is absolutely positively what it's all about. I love your square & your powerful message. Much love to you. You're gold. xx

  20. Fabulous!! So jealous right now!!

    xo Steph

  21. Gina this is beautiful and I love your attitude towards the project as a whole. It is so exciting to think about all these pieces together worked by all the different hands and I can't wait to see them all. I didn't join in as there's enough going on here as is, but hopefully there might be other opportunities down the track.

  22. This is awesome Gina... you know, it may have dragged you through the creative mud as you've described, but it pulled out the uniqueness that you were meant to find! Love your red-work.

  23. what beautiful words and sentiments , a really lovely post. your square looks great and i love the message. i'm running away to start mine..eeek

  24. Amen Sister! After feeling like the new and not so gifted girl in school (blogland) for quite some time now - I had my mini melt down this week.
    I was directed to your post from a very wise woman.
    Thank you Gina. Your words 'spoke to me'
    Thank you for reminding me - 'it's about the journey and the beauty (joy, vision, sharing of ideas, inspiration, feeding your soul etc.) in the creating not always about the beauty that was created.
    I will continue to be inspired and I will pootle along on my voyage of learning alongside the many gifted people out there - of which you are so totally one.
    Peta xo

  25. Lovely square, space and post, Gina. x

  26. you know what they say ...its not the winning its the taking part and I think you have done something really well that u would not normally have well done

  27. signature style is SO evident in your space here...and it is evolving as we live and grow...your square is so creative the way the words are right up against the favorite!

  28. It looks great Gina... so neat too.

  29. Such a cute post...And I think your square is quite lovely!!!

  30. Good for you for having the right attitude. I think your square looks great, and I'm jealous that it only took an hour. I have hours and hours ahead of me, and it's my own fault for always having to design so many details! ;)

  31. I really enjoyed reading this post, you summed up how I feel at times.

    I think your square is perfect, indeed you cup does runneth over

  32. I recognize your sentiments, but you should know how many times I see your name mentioned as one who people admire. No need for insecurities there! Gina, it's lovely!


  33. well done for letting go of perfectionism and remembering what it is all about - making stuff together. i wanted to be part of the quilt project but didn't let go of my fear of failure early enough and by the time i took a deep breath, the opportunity was lost.

    i sometimes forget that its good to be a have-a-go-kinda-girl.

    and you square is utterly lovely. well done you.

  34. Congratulations! This quilt project has inspired so many of us as we watch those participating and reading your post now has made me smile from ear to ear. Way to go. Your square is so lovely and it is great that it has been such a fantastic opportunity for you. :)

  35. gina its so beautiful, gift at olive grove for you xxxxxxxxxx

  36. Very beautiful work, Gina!

    I think, as we become more sustainable as a society, we're going to need all these skills, especially those that bring beauty into our lives! There's a reason people grow flowers, after all!

    Thanks for dropping by at Cluttercut too! It was lovely to know I've a new neighbour, with a similar blog name! :-)



  37. Well done! 1 hour impressed! I love your last paragraph too - spot on that most certainly what its all about : ) x

  38. Gina it looks fantastic!

    You know definately do have a signature style, maybe you just don't see it yet but it's there....and I like it!!


  39. What a wonderful post. I absolutely love your quilt piece. I think it's stunning.

  40. Oh of course it is, how easy we can forget that. It isn't about comparison at all and I think that different things speak to different people for different reasons that have nothing to do with the degree of skill or difficulty. I raise my glass to your cup.

  41. as a fellow self doubter can i just say that i loved this post and i love your block

  42. Its a lovely square Gina! What a supportive community it is too, I wish I had of had the guts and participated. Your post reassures me that I would not have been the Lone Ranger!

  43. Gina, I love it! I love the detail of the scratchy, sketchy look, and I love the sentiment.

    It's beautiful.


“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
~Albert Einstein