
Friday, August 7, 2009

Giveaway reminder (and gratuitous kiddy shot)

Just a heads-up that I'll be drawing winners for my birthday giveaway today. I've thoroughly enjoyed reading the 'soapbox' comments and learning a little more about what people are passionate about. Still time to enter - you could score yourself a Mixtape subscription or one of two 'party bags' containing thrifted and handmade goodies. Please just make sure you are contactable via blog or email so I can let you know if you win!

And now for the gratuitous pics:

Last Friday, I 'celebrated' my birthday with 3am start to the day thanks to this fella, my little Charlie. One of the sweetest-natured kids by day, but a terror by night.

This Friday, I'm a different person. He's been sleeping at night ALL WEEK. Hallelujah! Thank you Charlie-B-Bear, little Pudding.


  1. Oh he is just gorgeous. I want to squishy squashy his cheeks - gently of course! ; )

  2. Are you sure it was him? There is no way that little angel could be a terror at night!

  3. its amazing how un-cute they look when they wake you up - for a split second anyway- then you see how happy they are to see you and your heart melts...again...

  4. I he eating a bratwurst or a raw carrot? He looks the same age as my boy, who's eleven months this week.

  5. love the pictures and my word verification word, is waking

  6. I so get that! My small girl didn't sleep until she was 3...Sorry, hope I haven't put a new fear in there! Enjoy your rest and normal state of mind..(while it lasts) Peta

  7. So cute - such a beautiful, innocent, happy face!

  8. Nice tee ;-) Glad the new improved night time pattern has continued!

  9. Hurray for good night's sleep! Our littlest one, Olivier, just had a period of wanting to drink about 5 times a night *shock*. I can tell you, that's not good for your creativity. Luckily, he just started sleeping better too. Maybe it's something in the air. Anyway, Charlie looks really cute! Do I see a little naughty twinkle in his eyes? ;-) Precious!

  10. So he's a little night monster. It's the cute ones you have to watch out for and he is VERY cute.

  11. lucky you!!! :) Tom is sleeping terribly still! I look a wreck!!

    He is such a cutie!

  12. I have the perfect solution (if he reverts) - just offer Charlie as part of your giveaway. Oh pick me , pick me (sadly no little boys at my place)

  13. Got to love some sweet gratuitous kiddlywink shots. But if that's a carrot then don't let your Maternal and Child Health nurse see. Back in 2003, I had an appointment with mine and the two year old was eating pieces of apple. Every appointment afterwards, whoever was on duty would open the file and start with: "I see you fed your child apple pieces. Apple pieces are choking hazards. You should make sure to grate the apple. Even if it just goes brown and slimy because your kid refuses to eat mush... etcetera".

  14. Happy Birthday!! Shame the start to the day was so early tho... hey, DON'T say he's been sleeping all week now, you may jinx it!! :P ;o)

    (hehe - I remember the shirt he's wearing! yay, I'm glad you have one :o) )

  15. He is so cute, is he eating that raw carrot? babies are always like that, same as to my little nephew, weetest-natured kids by day, but a terror by night.

  16. Aaaww!! What a cutie pie! And Happy Happy Belated Birthday Gina, I'm sorry I missed it, it's been a hell of a couple of weeks. Hope it was HUGE fun! Maybe a weeks sleep was your birthday pressie from your poppet... they know a lot more than they ever let on ; )
    x Alisa

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  18. Oh, I missed your birthday! Hope it was a good one. And I want Charlie's little owl t-shirt!

  19. I read this and went, my gosh, must be the week for it, my recently turned 2yo DD has slept through for the past week, prior to that it was up to 15 times a night that I had to go in and resettle, and then all of a sudden, sleeping through, thought it was a fluke, and then it happened again, and again... now I'm enjoying it whilst it is happening :D


“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
~Albert Einstein