
Thursday, July 9, 2009

My creative space...

I've been painting this week!
Oh, ok, so I painted a rectangle of chalk-board on the kitchen wall. It felt good, rolling that black gloop on the wall. It's next to the fridge, and I'm telling myself that if I have a big space to write down a meal plan, perhaps in colourful chalk, with pretty pictures, then I might actually begin to plan meals. But of course, this is to be a shared creative space...
Hmmm, I think I have a little Fred Williams landscape artist in the making. Yes, of course I'm sure all those angry lines are Gum trees, stark and ghostly in the moonlight. No, the artist is not chucking a tantrum because I want to take a picture of his masterpiece instead of drawing faces on his 'Wiggles'.
See some actual creative spaces at Kirsty's place!


  1. Great idea with the blackboard paint. You'll have to let us know if it does actually help you plan your meals! Hope those little eyes are dry and smiling again soon! x

  2. Oooooh Brave painting it onto the wall like that. My Love and I were talking about doing this very same thing only last night, we used to have a framed chalkboard that was very handy for recipes and shopping lists. Great minds think alike!

  3. Gotta love a shared creative space! What a great idea!

  4. It looks great and painted straight on the wall? You're amazing! All the edges are so neat and straight - this is a fabulous creative space! I often feel like having a good cry after completing a masterpiece myself ;) Hope all calm now. K

  5. Love having room for shared creativity around the place. Our shared creative space is currently the toilet walls... sounds yuck but we have crayons in there for kids and visitors to leave their mark... ok that doesn't sound much better! Hope the artistic tanty didn't last long! They happen all the time here!!

  6. Ha ha ha ha!

    Brilliant idea though! Would be as much fun as an inspiration board!

  7. Love the blackboard paint Gina... great idea. And you can't blame your boy for the emotion... he is an art-ist and you interrupted his creative process!!

  8. Your poor little 'Fred'! We've had a few of those around here today. Now if that meal plan logic works - puhleeze let me know?

  9. That's a great idea. Guilt free wall drawing. I never had that when I was growing up....

  10. I've been meaning to do that on our fridge surround, it looks like it works really well.

  11. I was always envious of a friend when I was a kid - the inside of her built-in wardrobe doors were GIANT blackboards!! I've been wanting to slop that black goop around ever since.

    I'm lining up with Tania to hear how the meal-planning thing works.

  12. I hope the chalkboard helps with the meal planning ... but even if it doesn't, I bet you'll get good use out of it. Looks like someone else already is! ;)

  13. Well, all painting is good painting right?

  14. I love chalkboards, I have one in my kitchen as well!!! Tips. to get them clean and black again use "coke" (full strength, not the sugar reduced) it de-solves the calcium. (no shit, I wonder what it does to our bones!!) If you have a few people for cup-pas there is a code you can use to make your life easier. BT1S - Black Tea 1 Sugar WC2S - White coffee 2 Sugars, get the drift. Just write their names down, say if I was coming around heaps I would be Leonie - BT (Black Tea) Enjoy. I have ran out of room on mine so I am thinking about putting a big one on the roof for all the cup-pa recipes!!

  15. All the best artists are huge tantrum doers.
    My chickens loooove their blackboard, they also love cleaning the blackboard duster on the couch, it makes interesting patterns. ~ Alisa

  16. They are clearly Wiggles - we see the same at our place!

    I do love the idea of blackboard paint. I wonder if I could just coat the whole house in it and forget about all the grubby finger marks that are appearing at child height?

  17. Chalkboards are fun. And practical! Are you going to share your weekly meal plans? ;-)

  18. Awesome creative space, Gina. We have a chalkboard wall next to our fridge, usually though it ends up saying things like "TAKE THE RUBBISH OUT". I'm loving those lines, such creativity and juxtaposition with your circles.

  19. Awww he is such a cutie! Adorable! I think the blackboard paint is such a great invention. Have fun!


“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
~Albert Einstein