
Monday, July 27, 2009

More hack refashioning

Why yes, I AM trying to lure you into reading this post with a gorgeous but irrelevant close-up of my beautiful new Curlypops Brooch!

Since the warm reception of my recent felted jumper refashioning experiment (still blushing from all the nice comments... shucks!) I've been really enjoying the synergy of the virtual craft room. Nikki and Tania have flattered me, and gazumped me, with triumphant refashions of their own, and I've been inspired anew with possibilities.

After failing to find any decent woollen tops ripe for felting in my local thrift stores last week, I decided to branch out and try refashioning a thrifted men's cotton knit top, pictured below:

I love the peppery look, and the warm, draped feel. Very much the kind of jumper you'd borrow from your man-friend to snuggle in when feeling vulnerable. Not, however, the height of fashion to which I have grown accustomed (ha!):

Anyway, I decided to go for the old 'hack the arms off and add some reverse darts' refashioning trick again, but this time in a different way. So I:

1. Hacked the arms off

2. Turned inside out for that deconstructed look

3. Went for some horizontal reverse darts, in one long spiral around the bottom a few times, to bring the length up. Interesting effect. This caused the stretchy material to flare out a a little more.

4. Did another horizontal line at what I hoped would be my true waste, but ended up being across my bust... oops, not so attractive.

5. Gave a bit of shaping with some vertical darts to emphasise waste and detract from the nipple-crease I'd created!

The upshot:

Sorry about the chest thrust, don't quite know how to do the clothing pose yet! Oh, ok, I'm just so very proud of the nipple-crease...

I'm not 100% sure that I'm finished this one yet. It feels lovely to wear - it still has that baggy cuddly feeling but now has some shape. However, given my *ahem* buxom state, perhaps I should lower and widen the neckline to reduce boxiness? That would, however, require slightly less of a hack sewing job, and thus it will probably never happen...

Your feedback is welcome. And if you're getting into this top refashioning thing, don't be shy, show the world... I for one would like to see it!


  1. I have the perfect solution (well, maybe) - and you get to keep the nipple crease. How about another one or two horizontal line whatsits across the chest area and up towards the shoulders? I reckon it's got legs, Mrs. Great legs in fact. You remain Queen Refashionista.

  2. Wow de wow wow. Great idea to not be restricted to just a woollen jumper. You've got a great ability to see what could be. Using your good old hack & reverse darts trick has worked a treat again and I'm glad to see you making something for you. I think changing the neckline could work but it is great as is. You're so clever.

  3. Love the idea! Could work with lots of things!

  4. Just fabulous Gina! I would love to give this sort of thing a go, just a little scared it would go completely pear shaped!! I suppose I don't have to blog the results, then no one would know, may just have to do it!

  5. You do have fun, and that is what it is all about!

  6. Looking fab. Love all the intersecting lines. I'd hack at the neckline a bit. It could be as hacked as you like because it would tie in with the desonstructed look. (BTW - If you need a good 4-thread overlocker to seal up any neckline edges you can pop into the studio anytime).

  7. You girls have got me all inspired now! I'm going to go in search of something at the oppy today and start the de-construction.

  8. You are so on a roll!!! This one is brilliant!!! Oh and love the skirt!!

  9. Oh I am so ready to learn this! I know I 'de-construct very well indeed. It's the re-constructing bit I am afeared of+++. I love it Gina, nice one. I especially like the spirally reverse darty horizontal thingo's. Peta

  10. Well I see no boxiness what-so-ever! Just looks pretty fab to me. If you got 'em, flaunt 'em I say!

  11. i must confess i have been scouring op-shops too in search of woollen jumpers, with no success. but i've been thinking, maybe winter is the not the best time to be looking for jumpers...

    i love what you have done with this one. its such a fab idea. i think tania is right, and another couple of intersecting nipple lines would work. or a diagonal line from shoulder to across might also work. and i do think a deeper v neck would work too, seeing the neck is currently very "normal" (for want of a better word).

    Just some thoughts, but really it is fantastic! i have so gotta get onto doing this as well (my crafting ADHD is in full swing, pity i am at work today)...

  12. Oh Gina I am so inspired!!!! It looks really good and I'm so impressed with how you did it. Now I just have to be brave and get the scissors out :/ xx

  13. another FABULOUS refashion Gina it looks great and I don't think it needs anymore cutting around the neckline. You are a natural at this and you are also sooooooo lucky to win the Mixtape giveaway what a great prize

  14. well to be honest they get babysat more by dora than justine... but adding dora to my blog would certainly bring a tacky element to my page, that i just do not want!! ;)

    cool top and brooch too

  15. This is so fantastic Gina! And I love your apology about the breast thrust, hilarious! I haven't found any feltable jumpers at the oppy either lately, very frustrating!


“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
~Albert Einstein