
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Feeling the love from Blogland!

This week at chez clutterpunk:

5 hrs sleep on average
4 fraying tempers
3 hacking coughs
2 snotty noses
and a mother going off her tree.

Yet in spite of the illness, sleeplessness and additional cabin fever (due to rain and a broken bike spoke), I've been in generally high spirits and had many moments of delight. And here's why:

1. The arrival of this very awesome cassette coin purse, a PIF gift from urban craft. Karen is one cool, feisty, irreverent crafter and blogger. I love the stuff she makes and the things she writes make me think. And laugh. Thanks Karen, love it.

2. This fabulous Babel Fish softie which arrived from Jodie of Ric-Rac. *SQUEEEEE*. I stalked Jodie a bit at last week's blog love-in and professed my undying love for her Babel Fish creation, which I'd seen at a friend's place. And of course, being the lovely, nutty lady she is, she decided to give me one. I love Jodie's work - her selvedge obsession, her fabulous softies, and the humour and generosity that shines through in her craft.

Now if you don't know the origins of the Babel Fish softie, get your geek on and go read this book.
3. I was awarded the 'One Lovely Blog' Award from Sayraphim of Page 63 of your manual, Tania of Myrtle&Eunice and Bec of Marjoryjane. Nawwwww, shucks guys. Thanks for reading.

Now the deal is if I'm to accept this award I should also pass it on to some other bloggers I love in return (15, actually, but I'm not going to do quite that many I think... as this award has really been doing the rounds!). Check out these lovely crafty blogs for yourselves...

3 Red Buttons - Angie makes lovely clothes for kids and is the upcycling champ!

3 Sheets - Multi-media artiste Kylie shares her creations and inspiration.

August St - I'm closely following Jenaveve's adventures into sewing. Hurrah for her sewing classes!

Bear Among Bees - Love Clairebee's blog header illustration. And check out the stuff this lass has made recently in her '30 things in June' post.

Crafty Girl with Ruffle - Anne Marie is a delight PLUS she makes awesome Melways purses!

Little Grubs - Abi shares NZ green/family/craft inspiration with humour.

Little Eco Footprints - Tricia is a great source of info and thoughtful fodder for sustainable living, plus she makes these amazing reclaimed cloth nappies.

Thanks guys for your inspiration. Feel free to skip passing the award on - but know that I'm enjoying what you do!

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  1. Oh Gina... I felt sad when I read "5 hrs sleep on average" then it got worse! Sick kids do not equal happiness for anyone. I hope things start to look healthier this week for you all. And keep self-administering "blogcine" (that's blog-medicine!!!!) for yourself to get through.

  2. Oh crikey. Though if it helps any, things not a whole different chez Myrtleandeunice. That Babel fish has got to be worth a few tablespoons of feeling-good-now cod liver oil.

    (except cod liver oil NEVER made me feel good, even though it was supposed to. Unless it was a frazzled Mum reaping her revenge...hmn...)

  3. HiGina
    Thank you for the lovely comments about me and my blog. I hope the children are feeling better and the spoke is under control. :)

  4. Hope this week will be better and you can leave the pear tree to the partridge. Babel Fish! I think they are genius.

  5. I hope you get a LOOONG nights sleep tonight Gina and I hope you are all feeling better tomorrow.

    Thanks for the award and link to Flannel Fings :-)

  6. It's sounds totally like Christmas in July. Complete with presents. What a lucky duck you are with the fishie from Jodie. Love love love her stuff. You feel better soon and I'm so glad you dig the wallet.

  7. Glad he made it safely and really really hope you are getting some sleep....

  8. I'm back from the beach but you've been in the eye of the storm, babe! Hope things are starting to settle? Thank you so much for nominating me for a blog award - I'm really touched! :) I have the best remedy if things are still looking down with the kids, it's tres old fashioned... loads of water (drinking, that is!). It really does flush the bugs out! Best Wishes for a quick recovery. Kylie x

  9. I hope you all feel better this week, the winter blues are no fun at all. Thanks for the introduction to some new-to-me blogs, I enjoyed the tour!

  10. Hope that you and yours are feeling much better now and that the sleep is improving!!! Many thanks for the award - I'll have fun checking out the other new blogs too. x

  11. Hope you are getting a bit more sleep now!

    Thanks for picking my blog on your list, I had a great time nosing around some of the others you had picked.

    All this baby-awaiting is starting to wear thin....although I'm looking down the barrel of 5-hour-sleeps-on-average so perhaps I should enjoy my (mostly) sleeping little ones while I can!

  12. Hi Gina
    Thankyou so much for awarding my blog! I really appreciate your encouragement.

    I've had an awful flu this week and you have cheered me up, thanks.

    I do hope all in your home are feeling better now!


“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
~Albert Einstein