
Thursday, June 4, 2009

My creative space...

Each week I'm enjoying participating in kootoyoo's Creative Spaces. There are some truly beautiful spaces and creations happening around the place, and I enjoy checking out Kirsty's favourite space each week too.

As for mine... well, it's all a bit ugly really. As per my last post, I'm currently occupied with making more Swineys for my beloved's work colleagues. So the above bits and bobs are waiting to become this little swine 'flu softie:

Thank you for the kind comments about Swiney and the suggestion that I sell him (?!!) - but I think the Swiney craze would be very short-lived, and let's face it, he's on the ugly side! And he's a little fiddly to make, even if it's all good therapeutic crafting. So I'm just doing a small run and giving them to medical and micro nerds...

If you desperately want one for the medical nerd in your life, I'll make a little tutorial and stick it up. It would be a good project for anyone who is quarantined!!
PS no hearts in my space so don't go mad for looking :-)

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  1. love your Swineys/Swinies???? not sure how to spell that one anyway they are cool!!!

  2. I see you need gloves to handle them!

  3. Swine flu softie is fabulous.

  4. This is great! I had a good giggle - fab idea.
    Thanks for visiting my blog. Good to find you. :) K

  5. Swineys! That's so cute... in a virus kind of way. Glad you told me not to start looking for the heart, it would've driven me crazy!

  6. Your H1N1 is brilliant. You know Gina, if you were willing to sell, I will BUY! My dad is on the Influenza Specialist Group. I think he would LOVE one!

  7. Oh come on, they'd sell like hotcakes - you could flog them outside a major Melbourne sporting event or even the domestic departures at Tullamarine airport. No?

  8. glad u told me no heart otherwise i would be looking hard

  9. Your swineys are hilarious - the medical geeks must love you. I'm so glad you admitted there wasn't a heart in your pictures, you could have teased us for a while and pretended there was one. I really was tormented as a child, wasn't it?!

  10. I think your little swiney softie is great! It's good to have a laugh at times like this.

  11. swiney is too funny - i'm laughing my head off! x nadine

  12. what a classic! very clever - I'm sure my work (primary school) could do with a few of those..

  13. Love the swineys! :) What a fun space Gina. I'll be stalking the postie tomorrow ;) Unfortunately I'm rather slack on the pay-it-forward front. Hoping next week will be better. x

  14. Your swineys are a great idea.

  15. Oh I never thought I'd say it but I want a Swiney! Love them :)

  16. Hmm, they look cute but handle with gloved-up care. : )

  17. Hi. I just posted about your lovely aprons, on my blog. I used some of your photos - hope you don't mind.

    Enjoy your day. Thanks for the inspiration.

  18. Your idea made me laugh. I think you're on to something! Very cute idea. Thought it was ingenious.


“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
~Albert Einstein