
Monday, May 25, 2009

Goodbye tablecloth... hello skirt!

My first true Wardrobe Refashion:

When I took The Pledge* a few weeks ago I thought it would take me quite some time before actually making an item of clothing (apart from scarves or aprons) I'd wear in public. Largely because I'm a 'sewbie', and don't know how to do tricky things that clothesmaking requires. Nor does my machine - no zipper foot, no buttonhole foot, basically cranked by hand...
But thanks to the combination of a fabulous thrifted vintage tablecloth (yay for eekos) and this patternless Lesley skirt how-to from BurdaStyle, I'm thrilled to be getting around in something wearable made by ME. Miraculous.
*The Pledge
I pledge that I shall abstain from the purchase of "new" manufactured items of clothing, for the period of 6 months. I pledge that i shall refashion, renovate, recycle preloved items for myself with my own hands in fabric, yarn or other medium for the term of my contract. I pledge that I will share the love and post a photo of my refashioned, renovoted, recycled, crafted or created item of clothing on the Wardrobe Refashion blog, so that others may share the joy that my thriftiness brings!
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  1. May I be the first to give the standing ovation? This thrifted and re-fashioned piece is just brilliant!!

    I'm going to check out this pattern. Did you have any dramas with it or was it pretty easy going?

    I'd love to join the pledge... but can only if I can alter it a little :) Like for the basics. Like socks. I still need to buy socks (yep, can't knit).

  2. wow I am sooo impressed your skirt is fabulous!!! great job indeed :)

  3. I will be the one with the second ovation. You have done an amazing job! It looks awesome. Well done

  4. oh my word - how fantastic! i love the fabric. big congratulations on making something so fab that you can wear proudly in public.

  5. What a great skirt. I love the way you used that beautiful edging and let it play into the swirl on the skirt. Looks like it's fun to wear. Show it off with pride!

  6. hey gina that is gorgeous! well done! x

  7. It looks fabulous, Gina! I really like the way you've used the border. The pattern looks clever too.

    I have a doona cover from the oppy which I'd like to make into a skirt, so I must go and check out the Lesley pattern. Got to love anything that doesn't have a zip!

  8. What a fabulous skirt, what fabulous legs! Who needs tablecloths, when you can make skirts I say!

  9. That skirt is adorable - you are so clever! You can come over and make ME a skirt anytime.

  10. Yay handmade skirts! I love this- very much!

  11. What a gorgeous skirt! I love the patterns and colours. Off to checkout the 'paternless' pattern. I'm intrigued.

  12. I love it, great job! It's lovely to see people reusing (and looking pretty at the same time).

    And thank you for stopping by my blog and for your lovely words.

  13. Hey that's lovely! I think I might have to make the pledge sometime soon..

  14. well done! that is a wonderful upcycle...will be checking out that pattern myself I reckon :)


“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
~Albert Einstein