
Thursday, April 23, 2009

My creative space...

I'm playing along with kootoyoo's meme, go and check out her (spunky new-look) blog for more spaces and inspiration. Here's my newest space... a little nook in our kitchen.

I don't have a dedicated craft space in our flat. Stuff migrates between our bedroom and the living room. But I've been looking for somewhere to 'centralize' my most frequently-used craft notions and tools and UFOs.

So I was thrilled to find this old writing cabinet at the Brotherhood of St Laurence a few weeks back. (Half price - they were having a 'stimulus package sale', tee hee!).

Thanks to my lovely pal Alex and her car, we got it home to my place and I've been gradually gathering my supplies to put inside.

Oh, ok, I've been grabbing fistfuls of craft junk that is usually left around the house, shoving it willy-nilly inside, and telling myself I'll organise it later. But hey, at least the doors lock shut so the toddler's stopped breaking stuff and the baby's stopped swallowing it!

The gorgeous cookie container was also a second-hand find. Perfect for toting my small-but-growing collection of embroidery supplies in and out of the living room.

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  1. Bargain! Gotta love a recession. Well, perhaps not, but you know you've got a great deal when you get something half price from an oppy!!!

  2. This is great, what a score!

    Thanks for stopping by my space today, I left a little comment for you back on my blog explaining the embroidery stitch I used (it's whip stitch).

  3. What a great find!

    Glad you enjoyed Hobart, from memory we had lovely Autumn days as well!

  4. This is a great idea for a craft cupboard, ive got one of these under my parents house and i didnt know what to do with it! You have totally inspired me!

    Thanks for the comment on my blog. My mobiles inspired by Spool's one but is quite different and i dont use their pattern cos that would be very naughty

    You sound like a greenie, im sure you could do the garden thing.

    I started out with some un-killable herbs like rosemary and thyme and grew shallots by putting the ends and roots i cut off when cooking into a little shot glass of water.........seriously just watch them grow, its so cool and really simple, no watering required!

  5. You so could have got it home in Hudson. I would have enjoyed watching that... But, this is one reason why we keep the lovely Subaru =D

  6. Hey, excellent find. Though I think my problem would be that the stash is growing too quickly (stimulus spending?) to be contained at all. Actually today the two year old had her first mega tantrum and took it out on my neatly folded fabric piles while I looked on in some bemusement.

  7. Wow, great find! I wish my local op shop had a 'stimulus package' sale! : )

    Hey, I'm having a giveaway on my blog, pop over if you'd like to join in!!

    Angela xox

  8. what a fabulous score!!! look forward to your confessions of an eco-jerk too - sounds brilliant!!!!!

  9. It's beautiful. I've got a bit of a thing for desks & bars of this nature.

  10. I love those desks! They're so pretty, and this is just like one that my Grandpa had when I was little. Thanks for entering my giveaway too!

  11. Oh that desk! I'm looking for something similar - how fantastic they had one at the BoSL! And it really is just the perfect spot for a bit of crafting (or stash-hiding).

  12. I love your desk. It reminds me of one I had when I was little... now I wonder where it's gone?? You will love putting everything away in all the nooks and crannies. So handy to be able to shut it tight and everything instantly looks nice and tidy!


“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
~Albert Einstein