
Monday, April 13, 2009

Makey makey

I've been rather productive in the sewing department over the Easter break, thanks in no small part to having my beloved around, as well as my sister, the wonderful Aunty Moo, who is a champion at distracting the offspring. The glory list:

1. Almost finished Abi's quilt: I've made a funky 2-tone backing with some trim, constructed the linen binding, and have sandwiched (om-nom-nom) and machine-bound the quilt (all firsts for me!). I'm taking it down to Hobart with me to hand-finish the binding. Pics when I'm done.

2. Little boy's tea-towel apron, which has been gifted before I even took photos! But I'm making more of these. Need to stock up on some decent vintage tea towels first...

3. Vintage-style smock for a girl. I'm not going to show you that one yet, because it's for a special cause, part of a bunch of stuff to be auctioned for PANDA. You know, mental mums. I can say that, because I was one!! (AM?)

4. Bit of baggage... on a whim I thought I'd make the cute vintage bag pattern (pic above) from my Meet Me At Mike's book. I used some stash decor material for the main body and cut up an unloved apron (with ric-rac already on it, rah!) for the lining. I altered the pattern a bit, because I decided to square off the bottom and use the bag to hold bibs. I need storage options more than new purses!

Mmmm. Productivity.

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~Albert Einstein